private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
- if there was a failure in the object input streamClassNotFoundException
- if the class of any sub-objects could
not be foundThrowable cause
Throwable cause
Throwable cause
EngineConfiguration config
boolean _hasSafePassword
boolean shouldSaveConfig
Session session
ArrayList actorURIs
QName faultCode
Vector faultSubCode
String faultString
String faultActor
Vector faultDetails
String faultNode
ArrayList faultHeaders
Handler workHandler
that will do the actual work of handeling the
fault.String messageType
Attachments mAttachments
MimeHeaders headers
boolean saveRequired
MessageContext msgContext
Hashtable mProps
int currentForm
MimeHeaders mimeHeaders
Object currentMessage
currentForm must have the corresponding value.
As someone once said: "Just a placeholder until we figure out what the actual Message object is."
String currentEncoding
String currentMessageAsString
byte[] currentMessageAsBytes
SOAPEnvelope currentMessageAsEnvelope
Message msgObject
Source contentSource
Document document
Document mDocument
DataHandler datahandler
TODO: make private?
MimeHeaders mimeHeaders
Object contentObject
String attachmentFile
HashMap attachments
LinkedList orderedAttachments
SOAPPart soapPart
MultiPartInputStream mpartStream
int sendtype
String contentLocation
HashMap stackDataHandler
IncomingAttachmentStreams _streams
boolean _askedForAttachments
boolean _askedForStreams
MimeMultipart multipart
DimeMultiPart dimemultipart
MustUnderstandChecker checker
QName serviceName
String wsdlLocation
javax.wsdl.Service wsdlService
boolean maintainSession
Service.HandlerRegistryImpl registry
Parser wsdlParser
Hashtable transportImpls
Map map
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
- if the stream raises itClassNotFoundException
- if the stream raises itpublic void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
- if the stream raises itpublic void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
- if the stream raises itClassNotFoundException
- if the stream raises itpublic void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
- if the stream raises itprivate Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
QName provider
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
String encoding
QName innerType
Vector handlers
LockableHashtable parameters
QName qname
QName type
int scope
Handler singletonInstance
HashMap handlers
HashMap services
HashMap transports
HashMap typeMappings
WSDDGlobalConfiguration globalConfig
HashMap namespaceToServices
AxisEngine engine
TypeMappingRegistry tmr
boolean tmrDeployed
String value
String name
FaultDesc desc
WSDDRequestFlow requestFlow
WSDDResponseFlow responseFlow
ArrayList roles
ArrayList _hiList
HandlerInfoChainFactory _hiChainFactory
String[] _roles
OperationDesc desc
OperationDesc parent
ParameterDesc parameter
TypeMappingRegistry tmr
Vector faultFlows
Vector typeMappings
Vector operations
Vector namespaces
List roles
String descriptionURL
Style style
Use use
QName providerQName
WSDDJAXRPCHandlerInfoChain _wsddHIchain
JavaServiceDesc desc
boolean streaming
int sendType
WSDDRequestFlow requestFlow
WSDDResponseFlow responseFlow
QName pivotQName
int minOccurs
int maxOccurs
boolean nillable
boolean unbounded
QName arrayType
QName itemQName
String fieldName
QName xmlName
QName xmlType
Class javaType
boolean _isElement
boolean minOccursIs0
String name
String documentation
Style style
Use use
boolean useSet
ArrayList operations
List namespaceMappings
String wsdlFileName
String endpointURL
HashMap properties
HashMap name2OperationsMap
HashMap qname2OperationsMap
List allowedMethods
List disallowedMethods
Class implClass
boolean isSkeletonClass
ArrayList stopClasses
OperationDesc messageServiceDefaultOp
ArrayList completedNames
TypeMapping tm
TypeMappingRegistry tmr
boolean haveAllSkeletonMethods
boolean introspectionComplete
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
ServiceDesc parent
ArrayList parameters
String name
QName elementQName
Style style
Use use
int numInParams
int numOutParams
String soapAction
ArrayList faults
ParameterDesc returnDesc
int messageOperationStyle
String documentation
javax.wsdl.OperationType mep
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
TypeEntry typeEntry
byte mode
QName typeQName
Class javaType
int order
boolean isReturn
String mimeType
QName itemQName
QName itemType
boolean inHeader
boolean outHeader
String documentation
boolean omittable
boolean nillable
boolean lookedForAny
boolean canSearchParents
boolean hasSearchedParents
TypeDesc parentDesc
WeakReference javaClassRef
QName xmlType
FieldDesc[] fields
HashMap fieldNameMap
HashMap fieldElementMap
boolean _hasAttributes
BeanPropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors
Map propertyMap
BeanPropertyDescriptor anyDesc
Object value
boolean debugEnabled
boolean isEnded
Vector targets
QName defaultType
boolean componentsReadyFlag
HashSet activeDeserializers
boolean isHref
boolean isNil
String id
TypeMappingImpl delegate
TypeMappingDelegate next
HashMap mapTM
TypeMappingDelegate defaultDelTM
boolean isDelegated
QName componentXmlType
CharArrayWriter val
QName xmlType
Class javaType
Map propertyMap
QName prevQName
Constructor constructorToUse
Target constructorTarget
TypeDesc typeDesc
int collectionIndex
SimpleDeserializer cacheStringDSer
QName cacheXMLType
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
QName xmlType
Class javaType
BeanPropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptor
TypeDesc typeDesc
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
Method fromStringMethod
Method toStringMethod
DeserializationContext context
CharArrayWriter val
Constructor constructor
Map propertyMap
HashMap attributeMap
QName xmlType
Class javaType
TypeDesc typeDesc
DeserializationContext context
SimpleDeserializer cacheStringDSer
QName cacheXMLType
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
boolean isBasicType
StringBuffer val
Constructor constructor
Map propertyMap
HashMap attributeMap
DeserializationContext context
QName xmlType
Class javaType
TypeDesc typeDesc
SimpleListDeserializer cacheStringDSer
QName cacheXMLType
private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
Class clazzType
QName xmlType
Class javaType
BeanPropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptor
TypeDesc typeDesc
QName xmlType
Class javaType
BeanPropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptor
TypeDesc typeDesc
Class mJavaType
HandlerChainImpl impl
long start
boolean writeToConsole
String filename
Hashtable activeSessions
long reapPeriodicity
long lastReapTime
int defaultSessionTimeout
SOAPService service
Vector validTransports
boolean highFidelityRecording
int sendType
ServiceDesc serviceDescription
AxisEngine engine
Map serviceObjects
int nextObjectID
boolean isRunning
ArrayList actors
InputStream inputStream
String id
String href
boolean _isRoot
SOAPEnvelope message
Vector qNameAttrs
int startEventIndex
int startContentsIndex
int endEventIndex
ArrayList namespaces
String encodingStyle
Object objectValue
Deserializer fixupDeserializer
public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException
boolean needDeser
OperationDesc[] operations
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException
Object value
int countSetCalls
ParameterDesc paramDesc
Boolean wantXSIType
SOAPConstants soapConstants
boolean disableFormatting
boolean doSAAJEncodingCompliance
SOAPHeader header
SOAPBody body
Vector trailers
SOAPConstants soapConstants
SchemaVersion schemaVersion
String messageType
boolean recorded
SOAPConstants soapConstants
boolean processed
String actor
boolean mustUnderstand
boolean relay
boolean alreadySerialized
AxisEngine clientEngine
boolean running
String transportName
Handler transport
ServletSecurityProvider securityProvider
String servicesPath
boolean enableList
boolean disableServicesList
String jwsClassDir
AxisServer axisServer
String webInfPath
String homeDir
boolean isDevelopment
org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpConnectionManager connectionManager
CommonsHTTPClientProperties clientProperties
boolean httpChunkStream
URL targetURL
AxisServer server
UUIDGen uuidGen
Properties prop
Session session
int day
String timezone
Entity[] entities
IDRef[] idrefs
int month
String timezone
int month
int day
String timezone
public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
BigInteger zero
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
byte[] array
NMToken[] tokens
public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
BigInteger zero
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
byte[] array
public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
BigInteger zero
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
byte[] array
String m_value
public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
BigInteger iMinInclusive
protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
byte[] array
MessageElement[] _any
URI targetNamespace
NormalizedString version
Id id
Object __equalsCalc
boolean __hashCodeCalc
Calendar _value
BigInteger lValue
Object __equalsCalc
String m_scheme
String m_userinfo
String m_host
int m_port
String m_regAuthority
String m_path
String m_queryString
String m_fragment
int year
String timezone
int year
int month
String timezone
JPanel main_panel
JTabbedPane tabbed_pane
JTabbedPane top_pane
int port
String axisHost
int axisPort
String axisURL
Vector pages
String titleStr
JPanel set_panel
JLabel titleLabel
JButton add_btn
JButton del_btn
JButton save_btn
JButton login_btn
DefaultListModel model1
DefaultListModel model2
JList list1
JList list2
HashMap serviceMap
Document originalDoc
AdminClient adminClient
JTabbedPane notebook
int prefixCount
HashMap namespacePrefixMap
TypeEntry extensionBase
boolean searchedForExtensionBase
Node node
TypeEntry refType
String dims
boolean underlTypeNillable
QName componentType
QName itemQName
boolean undefined
boolean isBaseType
boolean isSimpleType
boolean onlyLiteralReference
HashSet types
Vector containedElements
Vector containedAttributes
UndefinedDelegate delegate
UndefinedDelegate delegate
String filename
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