All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AARBasedWSDLLocator |
Custom WSDL locator to load schemas from zip archives
Need to provide the aarFile and the baseInputStream for
the base WSDL file
AarExplodedMojo |
Generate the exploded aar
AARFileBasedURIResolver |
A custom URI resolver that can
AarInPlaceMojo |
Generates aar in the source directory
AarMojo |
Build a aar.
AbstractAarMojo |
Abstract base class of all the mojos in the axis2-aar-maven-plugin.
AbstractADBDataSource |
AbstractAgent |
The AbstractAgent acts as a simple dispatcher for http requests.
AbstractCodeGenerationExtension |
AbstractContext |
This is the top most level of the Context hierarchy and is a bag of properties.
AbstractCreateRepositoryMojo |
AbstractDatagramTransportListener<E extends DatagramEndpoint> |
AbstractDBProcessingExtension |
AbstractDeployer |
AbstractDeployer class which can be extended by all Axis2 deployers
AbstractDispatcher |
This the base class for all dispatchers.
AbstractHandler |
Class AbstractHandler
AbstractHTTPTransportSender |
Base class for Apache HttpClient (3.1 or 4.x) based transport senders.
AbstractInOutMessageReceiver |
This is the Absract IN-OUT MEP MessageReceiver.
AbstractJSONDataSource |
JSONDataSource keeps the JSON String inside and consumes it when needed.
AbstractJSONMessageFormatter |
Base class for JSON message formatters.
AbstractJSONOMBuilder |
Makes the OMSourcedElement object with the JSONDataSource inside.
AbstractMarMojo |
Abstract base class of all the mojos in the axis2-mar-maven-plugin.
AbstractMessageReceiver |
AbstractOperationDispatcher |
AbstractPollingTransportListener<T extends AbstractPollTableEntry> |
AbstractPollTableEntry |
AbstractPrettyPrinterExtension |
AbstractServiceBuilderExtension |
The Class AbstractServiceBuilderExtension is abstract class that can be used
to write new ServiceBuilderExtensions.
AbstractServiceDispatcher |
AbstractServiceWizardPage |
AbstractTemplatedHandler |
This abstract class differentiates the concern of the conditional check to see whether this
particular message needs to be handled by the handler implementation and the actual invocation
AbstractTransportListener |
AbstractTransportListenerEx<E extends ProtocolEndpoint> |
AbstractTransportSender |
AbstractTransportTest |
AbstractWizardPage |
AbstractWSDL2CodeMojo |
AbstractXSD2JavaMojo |
AccessController |
This utility wrapper class is created to support AXIS2 runs
inside of Java 2 Security environment.
Action |
interface for Action
ActionAnnot |
ActionBasedOperationDispatcher |
ActionsPlugin |
ActivateUtils |
Some Externalize objects must be "activated" after they are read.
Adapter |
AdapterUtils |
ADBBean |
ADBDataHandlerStreamReader |
ADBDataSource |
ADBException |
uses to handle ADB exceptions
ADBHelper<T> |
Interface implemented by all ADB helpers.
ADBHelperDataSource<T> |
ADBMessages |
ADBNamespaceContext |
ADBXMLStreamReader |
ADBXMLStreamReaderImpl |
This is the new implementation of the ADBpullaparser.
Addressing |
The Class Addressing implements Module interface.
AddressingAnnot |
AddressingBasedDispatcher |
Dispatcher based on the WS-Addressing properties.
AddressingConfigurator |
This class will enable/disable WS-Addressing in a JAX-WS 2.1 client,
based on the configuration passed to it via an AddressingFeature
and/or a SubmissionAddressingFeature .
AddressingConfigurator |
This class will enable/disable WS-Addressing for a JAX-WS 2.1 web service
endpoint, based on the configuration passed to it via an Addressing
annotation and/or a SubmissionAddressing annotation from the
endpoint implementation bean.
AddressingConstants |
Interface AddressingConstants
AddressingConstants.Final |
AddressingConstants.Submission |
AddressingFaultsHelper |
AddressingHelper |
AddressingInFaultHandler |
This class is used to extract WS-Addressing Spec defined Faults and FaultDetail and convert them
into understandable AxisFault objects.
AddressingInHandler |
AddressingMessages |
AddressingOutHandler |
AddressingValidationHandler |
AddressingWSDLExtensionValidator |
AnnotationBuilder |
Walks the ServiceDescription and its child *Description classes to find all of the types.
AnnotationConstants |
AnnotationDesc |
Annotation information cached for a particular class
AnnotationElementBuilder |
AntBuildWriter |
AntCodegenTask |
AnyURIType |
Base Class implemented for element(s) that of type='xs:anyURI' defined in
the WS-MEX spec.
ApplicationContextHolder |
Implementation of a Spring interface who is configured in Spring's applicationContext.xml or some
other Spring type of way.
ApplicationContextMigrator |
The ContextPropertyMigrator is a utility interface that can be implemented to handle any
transformation or migration that needs to happen between the internal JAX-WS MessageContext for a
request or a response and the associated context for the client or the server.
ApplicationContextMigratorUtil |
ApplicationContextUtil |
Util class of the spring module.
ApplicationMode |
Represents a member running in application mode
ApplicationXMLBuilder |
This builder is used when the serialization of the message is application/xml.
ApplicationXMLFormatter |
Formates the request message as application/xml
ArchiveBean |
ArchiveDeployer |
Deploys artifacts of a given type into an Axis2 repository.
ArchiveReader |
ArchiveTableModel |
ArrayStack |
An implementation of the Stack API that is based on an ArrayList
instead of a Vector , so it is not synchronized to protect against multi-threaded
AsyncChannel |
AsyncEndpoint<M> |
Interface implemented by in-only test endpoints.
AsyncEndpointAdapter<M,N> |
AsyncHandlerProxyFactory |
This interface defines the plug-point that is responsible for creating a
proxy for an AsyncHandler instance provided by a client
application as part of an async request invocation.
AsyncHandlerProxyFactoryImpl |
This class is the default implementation of the AsyncHandlerProxyFactory
plug-point which is supported by the JAX-WS runtime.
AsyncMessageTestCase<M> |
AsyncResponse |
The AsyncResponse class is used to collect the response information from Axis2 and deliver it to
a JAX-WS client.
AsyncTestClient<M> |
AsyncTestClientAdapter<M,N> |
AsyncUtils |
AtMostOnceInterceptor |
Message interceptor for handling at-most-once message processing semantics
AttachmentContext |
AttachmentDescription |
A parameter or return value may be represented as an attachment.
AttachmentDescriptionImpl |
AttachmentPartImpl |
AttachmentsAdapter |
The JAX-WS exposes attachment properties whose value is Map.
AttachmentType |
Defines the different types of attachments.
AttachmentUtils |
A suite of utilities used for handling MTOM attachment data.
AttachmentUtils |
Axis2ChannelListener |
This is the Tribes channel listener which is used for listening on the channels, receiving
messages & accepting messages.
Axis2Coordinator |
The non-blocking coordinator interceptor
Axis2EndpointReferenceFactory |
This class represents factories that can be use to create instances of
EndpointReference that can ultimately be converted into instances
of EndpointReference that are suitable to be returned
via the appropriate JAX-WS 2.1 API methods.
Axis2EndpointReferenceFactoryImpl |
Axis2GroupChannel |
Represents a Tribes GroupChannel.
Axis2IdeaPlugin |
Axis2PluginAction |
Axis2Server |
The Class Axis2Server.
Axis2UserTransaction |
AxisAdminServlet |
Extends AxisAdminServlet for compatibility with Web applications
and tools written for Axis2 versions prior to 1.5.
AxisAdminServlet |
AxisAsyncEndpoint |
AxisAsyncTestClient |
AxisBinding |
An AxisBinding represents a WSDL binding, and contains AxisBindingOperations.
AxisBindingMessage |
AxisBindingOperation |
An AxisBindingOperation represents a WSDL <bindingOperation>
AxisCallback |
AxisConfigBuilder |
AxisConfiguration |
Class AxisConfiguration
AxisConfigurator |
AxisDataLocator |
AxisDataLocator interface defines getData API for retrieving data particularly
metadata like WSDL, Policy, Schema.
AxisDataLocatorImpl |
The Default Axis2 Data Locator implementation
AxisDescription |
AxisEchoEndpoint |
AxisEndpoint |
AxisEngine |
There is one engine for the Server and the Client. the send() and receive()
Methods are the basic operations the Sync, Async messageing are build on top.
AxisError |
AxisEvent |
AxisFault |
An exception which maps cleanly to a SOAP fault.
AxisHttpConnection |
AxisHttpConnectionImpl |
AxisHttpRequest |
AxisHttpRequestImpl |
AxisHttpResponse |
AxisHttpResponseImpl |
AxisHttpService |
This class is an extension of the default HTTP service responsible for
maintaining and populating the MessageContext for incoming Axis
AxisInvocationController |
AxisJMSException |
AxisMessage |
This class represents the messages in WSDL.
AxisMessage |
Class encapsulating a SOAP envelope and an attachment map.
AxisModule |
This holds the information about a Module.
AxisObserver |
AxisOperation |
AxisOperationFactory |
AxisParams |
AxisPolicyLocator |
AxisRequestEntity |
This Request Entity is used by the HTTPCommonsTransportSender.
AxisRequestEntityImpl |
This Request Entity is used by the HttpComponentsTransportSender.
AxisRequestResponseTestClient |
AxisServer |
This class provide a very convenient way of creating server and deploying services.
AxisService |
Class AxisService
AxisService2WSDL11 |
AxisService2WSDL20 |
AxisServiceBasedMultiLanguageEmitter |
AxisServiceConfigurator |
AxisServiceFilter |
AxisServiceGroup |
AxisServiceTopElementSchemaGenerator |
this class is used to generate dummy schema with only top level
elements to support xmlbeans
AxisServiceTracker |
AxisServiceTrackerListener |
AxisServlet |
Servlet implementing the HTTP and HTTPS transport.
AxisServletListener |
AxisTestClient |
AxisTestClientConfigurator |
AxisTestClientContext |
AxisTestClientContextConfigurator |
Resource used to determine whether a transport listener is required and to configure the
AxisTestEndpoint |
Base class for Axis2 based test endpoints.
AxisTestEndpointContext |
AxisTestEndpointContextConfigurator |
BaseAxisDataLocator |
BaseAxisDataLocator implements common code and serves as a base class
for the supported default Axis2 dialect data locators.
BaseConstants |
BaseDispatch<T> |
BaseHandlerResolver |
This class can be subclassed to produce different implementations of HandlerResolver
BaseLifecycleManager |
BaseMessageContext |
BaseMessageContext is the base class for the two handler message contexts:
SoapMessageContext and LogicalMessageContext.
BaseTransportException |
BaseUtils |
BaseWSDLLocator |
This class is the base for an implementation of a WSDL4J interface that
will be supplied to a WSDLReader instance.
BeanExcludeInfo |
this class is used to keep the excludeProperties and includePropertes
of the given bean when generating the wsdl, and serializing.
BeanInfoCache |
BeanInfo cache that stores introspection results by bean class and stop class.
BeanInfoCachingClassLoader |
Interface implemented by class loaders that keep a BeanInfo cache.
BeanUtil |
BeanWriter |
The bean writer interface.
BeanWriterMetaInfoHolder |
This class is used as a holder to pass on the meta information to the bean writer.
BinaryBuilder |
Message builder for binary payloads.
BinaryFormatter |
BinaryTestCase |
Binding |
BindingImpl |
Classes that would normally "implement"
should extend this class instead.
BindingProvider |
BindingProvider |
BindingTypeAnnot |
BindingUtils |
Block<T,C> |
Block A Block represents an xml element and associated sub-tree.
BlockFactory |
BlockFactoryImpl |
BlockFactoryImpl Abstract Base Class for the Block Factories
BlockImpl<T,C> |
BlockImpl Abstract Base class for various Block Implementations.
BOMOutputStreamFilter |
Strip off the BOM when serializing an embedded JAXB object.
Builder |
Message builder able to convert a byte stream into a SOAP infoset.
BuilderUtil |
BytesMessageDataSource |
Data source implementation wrapping a JMS BytesMessage .
BytesMessageInputStream |
Input stream that reads data from a JMS BytesMessage .
BytesMessageOutputStream |
CallbackFuture |
The CallbackFuture implements the Axis2 org.apache.axis2.client.async.Callback API
and will get registered with the Axis2 engine to receive the asynchronous callback responses.
CallbackHandlerWriter |
CallbackReceiver |
This is a MessageReceiver which is used on the client side to accept the
messages (response) that come to the client.
CancelAction |
abstract class for CanselAction
CatalogURIResolver |
This resolver provides the means of resolving the imports and includes of a
given schema document.
CatalogWSDLLocator |
This class is an implementation of a WSDL4J interface and is the
implementation we supply to a WSDLReader instance.
CBuildScriptWriter |
CDefaultTypeMapper |
CEmitter |
ChainedParamReader |
Description: In ParamReader class, user cannot get inherited method parameter
from the class they passed in for performance reasons This class
is walks up the inheritance chain.
Channel |
ChannelSender |
ChooserPanel |
this panel used for as chooser
java2wsdl codegen option
wsdl2java codegen option
extend from wizardPanel calss
ClassFileFilter |
ClassFileHandler |
ClassFileLocationPage |
ClassFileLocationPage |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
ClassFileReader |
A utility class for reading/loading classes and
extracting the information.
ClassFileSelectionBean |
ClassFinder |
ClassFinderFactory |
ClassFinderImpl |
ClassLoaderUtil |
A util for manipulating classloaders to be used while serializing & deserializing Tribes messages
ClassLoaderUtils |
ClassLoadingTestBean |
ClassReader |
This is the class file reader for obtaining the parameter names
for declared methods in a class.
ClassUtils |
Contains static Class utility methods related to method parameter/argument marshalling.
ClientConfigurationFactory |
This class serves as a factory for ConfigurationContexts suitable in the client environment.
ClientConfigurator |
ClientConfiguratorRegistry |
ClientFramework |
ClientOptions |
ClientUtils |
Utility methods for various clients to use.
ClientUtils |
ClusterBuilder |
Builds the cluster configuration from the axis2.xml file
ClusteringAgent |
This is the main interface in the Axis2 clustering implementation.
ClusteringCommand |
ClusteringConstants |
All constants used by the Axis2 clustering implementation
ClusteringConstants.MembershipScheme |
ClusteringConstants.Parameters |
The main cluster configuration parameters
ClusteringContextListener |
ClusteringFault |
ClusteringMessage |
This is a special ClusteringCommand which is used for messaging.
ClusteringUtils |
A Utility for handling some of the functions needed by the clustering implementation
ClusterManagementInterceptor |
This interceptor is used when this member acts as a ClusterManager.
ClusterManagementMode |
Represents a member running in load balance mode
CodegenBean |
CodegenConfigLoader |
CodeGenConfiguration |
CodeGenerationEngine |
CodeGenerationException |
CodeGenerationUtility |
CodeGenExtension |
CodegenFrame |
codeaFrame class
CodegenMessages |
CodeGenWizard |
The main wizard for the codegen wizard
CodegenWizardPlugin |
The main plugin class to be used in the desktop.
CommandLineOption |
CommandLineOptionConstants |
CommandLineOptionConstants.ExtensionArguments |
CommandLineOptionConstants.WSDL2JavaConstants |
CommandLineOptionParser |
CommentImpl |
CommonsTransportHeaders |
CompilerOptions |
This is a bean class that captures all the compiler options.
ComplexPart |
Deprecated. |
ConfigPropertyFileLoader |
Loads the properties from the config properties.
ConfigurationContext |
Axis2 states are held in two information models, called description hierarchy and context
ConfigurationContextFactory |
ConnectionListenerFailureHandler |
Constants |
Class Constants
Constants |
Constants |
Constants that apply to the JAX-WS implementation.
Constants |
Constants |
JAXWS SPI Constants
Constants |
Constants |
The Class Constants.
Constants |
Constants |
Constants |
Constants.CodegenStyle |
Constants.Configuration |
Constants.ServiceConstants |
Constants.UIConstants |
ContentTypeInfo |
Class encapsulating the content type information for a given message.
ContentTypeRule |
Interface implemented by content type rules.
ContentTypeRuleFactory |
Utility class to create content type rules and rule sets from XML.
ContentTypeRuleSet |
A set of content type rules.
ContentTypeServiceConfigurator |
ContextListener |
A ContextListener gets informed about new context creations & removal of existing contexts.
ContextUtils |
ControlCommand |
Represents a Control command sent from one Node to another
Controller |
Converter |
ConverterUtil |
Converter methods to go from 1. simple type -> String 2. simple type -> Object 3.
ConverterUtil.ObjectConversionException |
A simple exception that is thrown when the conversion fails
ConverterUtils |
ConvertorFactory |
ConvertUtils |
Provides utilities to convert an object into a different kind of Object.
Counter |
This class provides a simple zero-based counter with synchronized access.
CreateRepositoryMojo |
Creates an Axis2 repository from the project's runtime dependencies.
CreateTestRepositoryMojo |
Creates an Axis2 repository from the project's dependencies in scope test.
CServiceXMLWriter |
CSkelHeaderWriter |
CSkelSourceWriter |
CStructWriter |
Java Bean writer for the schema compiler.
CStubHeaderWriter |
CStubSourceWriter |
CSvcSkeletonWriter |
CTypeMap |
The C type map. uses a static map for caching
CTypeMapper |
CustomAnnotationInstance |
This interface is intended to represent annotation instances
that are not explicitly defined by the MDQ layer.
CustomAnnotationProcessor |
This interface represents processors that will be used to
handle CustomAnnotationInstances that are added to the MDQ layer
by the uaser.
CustomAxisConfigurator |
CUtils |
CVCProjectWriter |
Data |
Data contains instance of the data Object for the specified identifier if applicable.
DataBindException |
handles databinding exceptions
DatagramDispatcher<E> |
DatagramDispatcherCallback |
DatagramEndpoint |
Endpoint description.
DatagramOutTransportInfo |
DataLocatorFactory |
Factory to constructor Axis2 Data Locators based on the specified
DataRetrievalException |
Exception class for reporting Data Retrieval problems
DataRetrievalRequest |
Allow to specify options/parameters for getData request.
DataRetrievalUtil |
DataSourceBlock |
DataSourceBlock Block with a business object that is a javax.activation.DataSource
DataSourceBlockFactory |
DataSourceBlockFactoryImpl |
DataSourceBlockImpl |
DataSourceBuilder |
DataSourceFormatter |
DataSourceMessageBuilder |
Message builder able to build messages from DataSource objects.
Day |
Implementation of the XML Schema type gDay
DebugObjectInput |
DebugObjectInput delegates to an ObjectInput object.
DebugObjectOutputStream |
DebugObjectOutputStream delegates to an ObjectOutput object.
DefaultConnectionListener |
DefaultConnectionListenerFailureHandler |
Default hander for failures in connection listener IOProcessors.
DefaultDatabindingExtension |
DefaultEntityResolver |
DefaultGroupManagementAgent |
DefaultHttpConnectionManager |
DefaultNamespaceGenerator |
This class provides the default implementatoin for mapping java classes to namespaces
DefaultNodeManager |
DefaultObjectSupplier |
DefaultOMElementConvertor |
The DefaultOMElementConvertor converts between Synapse OMElements and Strings
DefaultRule |
Content type rule that always matches and that returns a fixed (default) content type.
DefaultSchemaGenerator |
DefaultStateManager |
This class is the defaut StateManager of the Apache Tribes based clustering implementation
DefaultThreadFactory |
DefaultThreadFactory |
This is a simple ThreadFactory implementation using java.util.concurrent
Creates threads with the given name prefix
DefaultTypeMapper |
The default type mapper.
DefaultWaterMarkQueue<T> |
A Default implementation for WaterMarkQueue interface.
DefaultWizardComponents |
this is used for default wizard components
DeleteServiceGroupStateCommand |
DeleteServiceStateCommand |
DependencyManager |
If the service implementation has an init method with 1 or 2 message context as its parameters, then
the DependencyManager calls the init method with appropriate parameters.
DeployAarMojo |
Deploys an AAR to the Axis2 server.
Deployable |
A Deployable is a container for something (Phases, Handlers) which wants
to be deployed in an ordered and constrained fashion via a
DeployableChain<T> |
A DeployableChain is a container which manages dependencies between Deployables.
Deployer |
This interface is used to provide the custom deployment mechanism , where you
can write your own Deployer to process a particular type and make that to
a service or a module.
Deployer |
DeploymentClassLoader |
DeploymentConstants |
Constants used during service/module deployment.
DeploymentEngine |
DeploymentErrorMsgs |
DeploymentException |
DeploymentFileData |
DeploymentFileData represents a "thing to deploy" in Axis2.
DeploymentIterator |
DeploymentLifeCycleListener |
this interface is used to inform deployment lifecycle realated events to
DescriptionBuilder |
This class does the common tasks for all *Builder class.
DescriptionBuilderComposite |
DescriptionConstants |
DescriptionFactory |
Creates the JAX-WS metadata description hierarchy from some combinations of WSDL, Java class
information including annotations, and (in the future) deployment descriptors.
DescriptionFactory.UpdateType |
The type of update being done for a particular Port.
DescriptionFactoryImpl |
Creates the JAX-WS metadata descritpion hierachy from some combinations of WSDL, Java classes
with annotations, and (in the future) deployment descriptors.
DescriptionKey |
DescriptionType |
The description type is used by a description element to provide text describing the parent
DescriptionUtils |
Utilities used throughout the Description package.
DetailEntryImpl |
The content for a Detail object, giving details for a SOAPFault object.
DetailImpl |
A container for DetailEntry objects.
Dialect |
Class implemented for Dialect element defined in
the WS-MEX spec.
DiskFileDataSource |
DispatchOperationHandler |
DispatchPhase |
DisplayNameType |
The display-name type contains a short name that is intended to be displayed by tools.
DocLitBareJaxbSchemaGenerator |
DocLitBareMethodMarshaller |
DocLitBareMinimalMethodMarshaller |
The Doc/Lit Wrapped Minimal Marshaller is used when 1) The web service is Doc/Lit mininal, and 2)
JAXB artifacts are missing (i.e. we don't have ObjectFactories)
DocLitBareSchemaGenerator |
DocLitWrappedMethodMarshaller |
DocLitWrappedMinimalMethodMarshaller |
DocLitWrappedPlusMethodMarshaller |
The DocLitWrapped "plus" marshaller is used when the java method is doc/lit wrapped, but it does
not exactly comply with the doc/lit rules.
DRConstants |
Defines constants referenced in data retrieval classes.
Defines contants references in Service Data
DRConstants.SOAPVersion |
DRConstants.SPEC |
Defines contants references in WS-Mex specification
DRConstants.SPEC.Actions |
DummySchemaGenerationException |
Duration |
Implementation of the XML Schema type duration.
Echo |
EJB3InOnlyMessageReceiver |
The Class EJB3InOnlyMessageReceiver is a MessageReceiver that should use with
EJB3MessageReceiver |
The Class EJB3MessageReceiver is a MessageReceiver that should use with
EJB3Util |
Utility class that provides EJB3 specific features.
EJBInOnlyMessageReceiver |
EJBInOutAsyncMessageReceiver |
EjbLinkType |
The ejb-linkType is used by ejb-link elements in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref elements to specify
that an EJB reference is linked to enterprise bean.
EjbLocalRefType |
The ejb-local-refType is used by ejb-local-ref elements for the declaration of a reference to an
enterprise bean's local home or to the local business interface of a 3.0 bean.
EJBMessageReceiver |
EjbRefNameType |
The ejb-ref-name element contains the name of an EJB reference.
EjbRefType |
The ejb-refType is used by ejb-ref elements for the declaration of a reference to an enterprise
bean's home or to the remote business interface of a 3.0 bean.
EjbRefTypeType |
The ejb-ref-typeType contains the expected type of the referenced enterprise bean.
EJBUtil |
Element |
Characteristics of the "Element" value.
Emitter |
EmptyType |
This type is used to designate an empty element when used.
Endpoint |
UDP endpoint description.
EndpointCallback |
EndpointContextMap |
This class stores the context needed to correctly produce instances of
EndpointReference for a particular web service endpoint
identified by an EndpointKey .
EndpointContextMapManager |
EndpointContextMapMigrator |
This class will enable the JAX-WS 2.1 API methods to create instances of
EndpointReference that target a particular web service
endpoint, identified by specifying the WSDL service name and port name of the
endpoint, to work correctly.
EndpointController |
The EndpointController is the server side equivalent to the InvocationController on the client
EndpointDescription |
An EndpointDescription corresponds to a particular Service Implementation.
EndpointDescriptionImpl |
EndpointDescriptionJava |
EndpointDescriptionValidator |
EndpointDescriptionWSDL |
EndpointDispatcher |
The EndpointDispatcher is an abstraction for the object that will be doing the invocation of an
endpoints target Java object.
EndpointDispatcherFactory |
EndpointDispatcherFactoryImpl |
EndpointErrorListener |
EndpointImpl |
EndpointInterfaceDescription |
An EndpointInterfaceDescription corresponds to a particular SEI-based Service Implementation.
EndpointInterfaceDescriptionImpl |
EndpointInterfaceDescriptionJava |
EndpointInterfaceDescriptionValidator |
EndpointInterfaceDescriptionWSDL |
EndpointInvocationContext |
The EndpointInvocationContext is an extension of the base InvocationContext
that provides extensions specific to the environment of the service
EndpointInvocationContextImpl |
EndpointKey |
This class is used to identify a particular web service endpoint based on
the combination of WSDL service name and port name.
EndpointLifecycleException |
EndpointLifecycleManager |
EndpointLifecycleManagerFactory |
EndpointLifecycleManagerFactoryImpl |
This is the supplied implementation of the EndpointLifecycleManagerFactory.
EndpointLifecycleManagerImpl |
EndpointReference |
Class EndpointReference
This class models the WS-A EndpointReferenceType.
EndpointReferenceHelper |
The methods in this class are used to process EndpointReference objects
according to the rules of the 2005/08 (Final) and 2004/08 (submission) WS-Addressing
EndpointReferenceUtils |
Entities |
Custom class for supporting XSD data type Entities
Entity |
Custom class for supporting XSD data type Entity
EnvEntryType |
The env-entryType is used to declare an application's environment entry.
EnvEntryTypeValuesType |
This type contains the fully-qualified Java type of the environment entry value that is expected
by the application's code.
ExceptionFactory |
ExceptionFactory is used to create exceptions within the JAX-WS implementation.
ExceptionWriter |
ExcludeInfo |
this class is used to keep the exclude property details of all the classes.
ExcludePackageExtension |
this extension deletes the packages sepcifies by the user from the
generated code.
ExecutorFactory |
This is the interface that should be implemented by classes that wish to
provide Executor instances to the JAX-WS runtime.
ExtensionUtility |
This is the utility for the extension to call by reflection.
ExternalizeConstants |
Common Externalize Constants
ExternalPolicySerializer |
FactoryRegistry |
FactoryRegistry Registry containing Factories related to the JAX-WS Implementation.
FactoryUtil |
FastInfosetBuilder |
FastInfosetMessageFormatter |
FastInfosetPOXBuilder |
FastInfosetPOXMessageFormatter |
FaultActionAnnot |
FaultBeanDesc |
Description of FaultBean for a FaultDescription.
FaultDescription |
A FaultDescription corresponds to a fault that can be thrown from an operation.
FaultDescriptionJava |
FaultDescriptionWSDL |
FaultMapKey |
this class is intended to use as the key for fault maps used
in generated stubs.
FaultyServiceData |
FieldComparator |
FieldDescriptionComposite |
FileCopier |
FileCopier |
FileFilter |
FileSet |
A FileSet defines additional files, which are being added to the Axis application archive.
FileSet |
A FileSet defines additional files, which are being added to the
Axis application archive.
FileSystemConfigurator |
FileWriter |
FileWriter |
FinishAction |
abstract class for FinishAction
FirstPanel |
Flow |
Class FlowImpl
FlowInclude |
Class FlowIncludeImpl
ForbidSessionCreationWrapper |
FullyQualifiedClassType |
The elements that use this type designate the name of a Java class or interface.
GeneratedAxis2Xml |
GenerateSourcesMojo |
Generates Java classes from the specified schema files.
GenerateSourcesMojo |
Generates source code from a WSDL.
GenerateTestSourcesMojo |
Generates Java classes from the specified schema files, for use in unit tests.
GenerateTestSourcesMojo |
Generates source code from a WSDL, for use in unit tests.
GenericBooleanType |
This type defines four different values which can designate boolean values.
GenericProviderDispatcher |
This dispatcher will look for a specific operation on the AxisService and return it
if found.
GetConfigurationCommand |
GetConfigurationResponseCommand |
GetStateCommand |
GetStateResponseCommand |
GroupManagementAgent |
This is the interface through which the load balancing event are notified.
GroupManagementCommand |
GsonNamespaceConext |
GsonXMLStreamReader |
GsonXMLStreamReader.JsonState |
GsonXMLStreamWriter |
Handler |
A Handler represents a piece of message processing functionality in Axis2.
Handler |
Handler.InvocationResponse |
This type encapsulates an enumeration of possible message processing
instruction values that may be returned by a handler/phase within the
HandlerChainAnnot |
HandlerChainProcessor |
HandlerChainProcessor.Direction |
HandlerChainProcessor.MEP |
HandlerChainProcessor.TRACKER |
HandlerChainsParser |
HandlerChainsType |
The handler-chains element defines the handlerchains associated with this service or service
HandlerChainType |
The handler-chain element defines the handlerchain.
HandlerDescription |
Represents the deployment information about the handler
HandlerInvocationContext |
This data bean will be passed to the HandlerInvoker instance.
HandlerInvoker |
This interface represents a class that will be called by the
JAX-WS EndpointController to handle the invocation of both
inbound and outbound handlers.
HandlerInvokerFactory |
Implementations of this interface is called by the EndpointController
in JAX-WS in order to serve up an instance of a HandlerInvoker.
HandlerInvokerFactoryImpl |
This is the default implementation of the HandlerInvokerFactory,
and it will be registered with the FactoryRegistry.
HandlerInvokerImpl |
This class will be responsible for driving both inbound and
outbound handler chains for an endpoint invocation.
HandlerInvokerUtils |
HandlerLifecycleManager |
HandlerLifecycleManagerFactory |
HandlerLifecycleManagerImpl |
HandlerPostInvoker |
HandlerPostInvokerFactory |
HandlerPostInvokerFactory is used to create a HandlerPostInvoker
implementation class that will be called just after each
JAXWS handler.handleMessage invocation.
HandlerPostInvokerFactoryImpl |
HandlerPostInvokerFactoryImpl - the default implementation
of HandlerPostInvokerFactory.
HandlerPostInvokerImpl |
HandlerPreInvoker |
HandlerPreInvokerFactory |
HandlerPreInvokerFactory is used to create a HandlerPreInvoker
implementation class that will be called just prior to each
JAXWS handler.handleMessage invocation.
HandlerPreInvokerFactoryImpl |
HandlerPreInvokerFactoryImpl - the default implementation
of HandlerPreInvokerFactory.
HandlerPreInvokerImpl |
HandlerResolverImpl |
HandlerResolverImpl |
This is an implementation of HandlerResolver that can be used with a JAX-WS client
to set the handler list.
HandlerType |
Declares the handler.
HandlerUtils |
HexBinary |
Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type hexBinary.
HomeType |
The homeType defines the fully-qualified name of an enterprise bean's home interface.
HostConfiguration |
HTTPAuthenticator |
HTTPBinding |
HttpChannel |
HTTPClient4TransportSender |
The Class HTTPClient4TransportSender use HC HTTPClient 4.X.
HttpConnectionManager |
HTTPConstants |
HTTP protocol and message context constants.
HttpFactory |
Factory used to configure and create the various instances required in http transports.
HTTPHeaderMessage |
HTTPLocationBasedDispatcher |
Dispatches the operation based on the information from the target endpoint URL.
HTTPProxyConfigurator |
HTTPSender |
HTTPSenderImpl |
HttpServiceProcessor |
I/O processor intended to process requests and fill in responses.
HttpTestEnvironment |
HTTPTransportConstants |
HttpTransportProperties |
Utility bean for setting transport properties in runtime.
HttpTransportProperties.MailProperties |
HttpTransportProperties.ProxyProperties |
HttpTransportPropertiesImpl |
HttpTransportPropertiesImpl.Authenticator |
HTTPTransportReceiver |
Class HTTPTransportReceiver
HTTPTransportSender |
HttpTransportTestSuiteBuilder |
HTTPTransportUtils |
HttpUtils |
HTTPWorker |
HTTPWorkerFactory |
IconType |
The icon type contains small-icon and large-icon elements that specify the file names for small
and large GIF, JPEG, or PNG icon images used to represent the parent element in a GUI tool.
Id |
Custom class for supporting XSD data type ID The base type of Id is NCName.
Identifier |
Class implemented for Identifier element defined in
the WS-MEX spec.
IDGenerator |
Code borrowed from for generating a secure id's.
IDRef |
Custom class for supporting XSD data type IDRef
IDRefs |
Custom class for supporting XSD data type IDRefs
IMexOM |
Base interface for objects implemented for elements defined in
the WS-MEX spec.
IncomingMessage<M> |
InjectionTargetType |
An injection target specifies a class and a name within that class into which a resource should
be injected.
InOnlyAxisOperation |
InOnlyEndpointSupport<M> |
InOutAxisOperation |
InOutEndpoint |
Interface implemented by in-out test endpoints.
InOutEndpointSupport |
InputStreamDataSource |
InterfaceImplementationWriter |
InterfaceName |
InterfaceWriter |
InterruptingEndpointErrorListener |
InvocationContext |
The InvocationContext encapsulates all of the information relevant to a particular
InvocationContextFactory |
The InvocationContextFactory is used to create instances of an InvocationContext.
InvocationContextImpl |
An implementation of the InvocationContext interface.
InvocationController |
The InvocationController is an interface modeling the invocation of a
target web service.
InvocationControllerFactory |
InvocationControllerFactoryImpl |
InvocationControllerImpl |
An abstract implementation of the InvocationController interface.
InvocationHelper |
This class represents static methods that are utilized during the course
of invocation of a JAX-WS endpoint.
InvocationListener |
This interface will be implemented by those components wishing to
be notified when requests are received on the server-side and when
responses have been constructed on the server-side.
InvocationListenerBean |
An instance of this class will be passed to the InvocationListener
instances in both the request and response flow.
InvocationListenerBean.State |
InvocationListenerFactory |
This interface will be implemented by those wishing to
create instances of an InvocationListener based on certain
context information for a given request.
InvocationListenerRegistry |
This class will provide a means for JAX-WS users to register
InvocationListenerFactory implementations.
InvocationPattern |
IODispatcher |
I/O dispatcher for incoming UDP packets.
IOProcessor |
IOProcessorCallback |
IOUtils |
JarFileFilter |
JarFileWriter |
JarFileWriter |
JarFileWriter |
Java2WSDL |
Java2WSDLBuilder |
Java2WSDLCodegenEngine |
Java2WSDLCommandLineOption |
Java2WSDLCommandLineOptionParser |
Java2WSDLConstants |
Java2WSDLMojo |
Takes a Java class as input and converts it into an equivalent
WSDL file.
Java2WSDLOptionsValidator |
Java2WSDLTask |
Java2WSDLTask |
Java2WSDLTask.ExtraClass |
Java2WSDLUtils |
JavaBeanDispatcher |
The JavaBeanDispatcher is used to manage creating an instance of a JAX-WS service implementation
bean and dispatching the inbound request to that instance.
JavaBeanWriter |
Java Bean writer for the schema compiler.
JavaClassToDBCConverter |
JavaDispatcher |
JavaDispatcher is an abstract class that can be extended to implement an EndpointDispatcher to a
Java object.
JavaEmitter |
JavaFieldsToFDCConverter |
This class will be used to convert Java Fields into FieldDescriptionComposite objects.
JavaIdentifierType |
The java-identifierType defines a Java identifier.
JavaMethodsToMDCConverter |
JavaNetClient |
JavaNetRESTClient |
JavaParamToPDCConverter |
JavaPrettyPrinterExtension |
JavaSourceSelectionPage |
JavaTransportSender |
JavaTypeMap |
The java type map. uses a static map for caching
Most code from Axis 1 Codebase
JavaTypeMapper |
The java type mapper can do without any default configuration However if any such default type
mappings are needed, they can be put inside the constructor
JavaTypeType |
This is a generic type that designates a Java primitive type or a fully qualified name of a Java
interface/type, or an array of such types.
JavaUtils |
Common Java Utilites
JavaUtils |
JavaWSDLOptionsPage |
JavaWSDLOutputLocationPage |
JAXBAttachmentMarshaller |
JAXBAttachmentUnmarshaller |
Implementation of the AttachmentUnmarshaller class that handles the attachments provided
by Axiom through the MimePartProvider interface.
JAXBAttachmentUnmarshallerMonitor |
The monitor is used by the tests to ensure
that the JAXBAttachmentUnmarshaller is used and is functioning correctly.
JAXBBlock |
JAXBBlock Block represented by a JAXB object
JAXBBlockContext |
JAXBBlockFactory |
JAXBBlockFactoryImpl |
JAXBBlockFactoryImpl Creates a JAXBBlock
JAXBBlockImpl |
JAXBContextFromClasses |
This class provides a utility method, newInstance, which
builds a valid JAXBContext from a series of classes.
JAXBCustomBuilder |
JAXBCustomBuilder creates an OMSourcedElement backed by a JAXBDataSource
for the specified namespace and localPart.
JAXBCustomBuilderMonitor |
The monitor is used by the tests to ensure
that the JAXBCustomBuilder is used and is functioning correctly.
JAXBDataSource |
OMDataSource backed by a jaxb object
JAXBDispatch<T> |
JAXBDispatchAsyncListener |
The JAXBDispatchAsyncListener is an extension of the AsyncResponse
class to provide JAX-B specific function when processing an async response.
JAXBDSContext |
JAXBExclude |
Marker interface that can be used to identify classes that should
be excluded from JAXB processing when JAX-WS constructs a
JAXBRIExtension |
JaxbSchemaGenerator |
JAXBUtils |
JAXB Utilites to pool JAXBContext and related objects.
JAXBUtilsMonitor |
The monitor is used by the tests to ensure
that the JAXBUtils code is used and is functioning correctly.
JAXBWrapperException |
JAXBWrapperTool |
The JAXBWrapper tool is used to create a JAXB Object from a series of child objects (wrap) or get
the child objects from a JAXB Object (unwrap)
JAXBWrapperToolImpl |
The JAXBWrapper tool is used to create a JAXB Object from a series of child objects (wrap) or get
the child objects from a JAXB Object (unwrap)
JAXRSModel |
JAXRSUtils |
JAXWS20Emitter |
JAXWS2WSDLCodegenEngine |
The Class JAXWS2WSDLCodegenEngine.
JAXWSCatalogManager |
JAXWSCodeGenerationEngine |
The Class JAXWSCodeGenerationEngine.
JAXWSDeployer |
JAXWSDeployerSupport |
The Class JAXWSDeployerSupport act as a helper class for both JAXWSDeployer
and JAXWSServiceBuilderExtension.
JAXWSEmitter |
JAXWSEndpointReferenceFactory |
This class represents factories that can be used to generate instances of the
EndpointReference .
JAXWSEndpointReferenceFactoryImpl |
This class is used to generate instances of the following subclasses of
EndpointReference .
JAXWSExecutorFactory |
This is an implementation of the ExecutorFactory interface.
JAXWSMessageReceiver |
The JAXWSMessageReceiver is the entry point, from the server's perspective, to the JAX-WS code.
JAXWSModule |
JAXWSProxyHandler |
ProxyHandler is the java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler implementation.
This class will implement an interface that is defined by the
MDQ code.
JAXWSService |
JAXWSServiceBuilderExtension |
The Class JAXWSServiceBuilderExtension is an implementation of
org.apache.axis2.deployment.ServiceBuilderExtension interface and facilitate
to deploy JAX-WS artifacts through other Deployers.
JAXWSThreadFactory |
Factory to create threads in the ThreadPool Executor.
JAXWSWapperExtension |
JettyAsyncEndpoint<M> |
JettyByteArrayAsyncEndpoint |
JettyEchoEndpoint |
JettyEndpoint |
JettyRESTAsyncEndpoint |
JettyServer |
JiBXDataSource |
Data source for OM element backed by JiBX data bound object.
JiBXExtension |
Code generation data binding extension for JiBX support.
JMSConnectionFactory |
Encapsulate a JMS Connection factory definition within an Axis2.xml
JMS Connection Factory definitions, allows JNDI properties as well as other service
level parameters to be defined, and re-used by each service that binds to it
When used for sending messages out, the JMSConnectionFactory'ies are able to cache
a Connection, Session or Producer
JMSConnectionFactoryManager |
JMSConstants |
JMSEndpoint |
Class that links an Axis2 service to a JMS destination.
JMSExceptionWrapper |
JMSListener |
The revamped JMS Transport listener implementation.
JMSMessageReceiver |
This is the JMS message receiver which is invoked when a message is received.
JMSMessageSender |
Performs the actual sending of a JMS message, and the subsequent committing of a JTA transaction
(if requested) or the local session transaction, if used.
JMSOutTransportInfo |
The JMS OutTransportInfo is a holder of information to send an outgoing message
(e.g. a Response) to a JMS destination.
JMSSender |
The TransportSender for JMS
JMSUtils |
Miscallaneous methods used for the JMS transport
JndiNameType |
The jndi-nameType type designates a JNDI name in the Deployment Component's environment and is
relative to the java:comp/env context.
JoinGroupCommand |
This is the message a member will send to another member when it intends to join a group.
JSOMElementConvertor |
JSObjectConvertor converts between OMElements and JavaScript E4X XML objects
JSONBadgerfishDataSource |
JSON data source implementation for the "Badgerfish" convention.
JSONBadgerfishMessageFormatter |
This JSONBadgerfishMessageFormatter is the formatter for "Badgerfish" formatted JSON in Axis2.
JSONBadgerfishOMBuilder |
Message builder for "Badgerfish" convention.
JsonBuilder |
JsonBuilder |
JsonConstant |
JSONDataSource |
JSON data source implementation for the "Mapped" convention.
JsonFormatter |
JsonFormatter |
JsonHtmlEncoder |
JsonHtmlEncoder |
JsonInOnlyRPCMessageReceiver |
JsonInOnlyRPCMessageReceiver |
JSONMessageFormatter |
This JSONMessageFormatter is the formatter for "Mapped" formatted JSON in Axis2.
JSONMessageHandler |
JSONMessageHandler |
JsonObject |
JSONOMBuilder |
Makes the OMSourcedElement object with the JSONDataSource inside.
JsonRpcMessageReceiver |
JsonRpcMessageReceiver |
JSONType |
JSONUtil |
JsonUtils |
JsonUtils |
Key |
Language |
Custom class for supporting XSD data type language language represents natural language
identifiers as defined by [RFC 1766].
LargeSOAPAsyncMessageTestCase |
LegacyMethodRetrieverImpl |
LegacyMethodRetrieverImpl subclass implements the original SUN RI interpretation for
annotation processing.
LibraryAddingPage |
LibraryAddingPage |
LibrarySelectionBean |
Lifecycle |
The Lifecycle interface should be implemented by your back-end service
class if you wish to be notified of creation and cleanup by the Axis2
LifecycleCallbackType |
The lifecycle-callback type specifies a method on a class to be called when a lifecycle event
LifecycleException |
LifecycleFixTransportListenerProxy |
LifecycleManager |
ListenerManager |
ListenerType |
The listenerType indicates the deployment properties for a web application listener bean.
ListingAgent |
Loader |
Loads resources (or images) from various sources.
LocalHomeType |
The local-homeType defines the fully-qualified name of an enterprise bean's local home
LocalResponder |
LocalTransportReceiver |
LocalTransportSender |
LocalType |
The localType defines the fully-qualified name of an enterprise bean's local interface.
Location |
Class implemented for Location element defined in
the WS-MEX spec.
LocatorType |
Defines Data Locator types as described below:
DEFAULT_AXIS - Default Axis2 data locator
GLOBAL_LEVEL - Global level data locator i.e.
LogAspect |
LoggingControl |
This class provides a more efficient means of control over logging than
do most providers of the Common's logging API at the cost of runtime
LogicalMessageContext |
The LogicalMessageContext is a JAX-WS interface that is given to Logical handlers to provide
access to the message and its associated properties.
LogicalMessageImpl |
LogWriter |
Writer implementation that redirects to a logger.
MailConstants |
MailOutTransportInfo |
The Mail OutTransportInfo is a holder of information to send an outgoing message
(e.g. a Response or a request) to a Mail destination.
MailRequestResponseTransport |
this class is not generally used with the SMTP transport. this is added to work
this smtp transport with Sandesah2.
MailTransportListener |
This mail transport lister implementation uses the base transport framework and is a polling
transport. i.e. a service can register itself with custom a custom mail configuration (i.e.
MailTransportSender |
The mail transport sender sends mail using an SMTP server configuration defined
in the axis2.xml's transport sender definition
MailUtils |
MainWindow |
ManagedDataSource |
Managed data source.
ManagedDataSourceFactory |
ManagedTestCase |
ManagedTestSuite |
ManagementSupport |
Mapper |
interface that namespace mappers are expected to implement
MappingSet |
a mappingset is a set of mappings
MarExplodedMojo |
Generate the exploded mar
MarInPlaceMojo |
Generates mar in the source directory
MarMojo |
Build a mar.
MarshalServiceRuntimeDescription |
Used to cache marshal information
MarshalServiceRuntimeDescriptionBuilder |
MarshalServiceRuntimeDescriptionFactory |
MarshalServiceRuntimeDescriptionImpl |
MDQConstants |
Member |
Represents a member in the cluster.
MemberJoinedCommand |
This is the notification message a member will send to all others in the group after it has
joined the group.
MemberListCommand |
When a new member wishes to join a group, it will send a JoinGroupCommand message to
a known member.
MembershipListener |
This is the interface which will be notified when memership changes.
MembershipListenerImpl |
MembershipManager |
Responsible for managing the membership.
MembershipScheme |
A representation of a membership scheme such as "multicast based" or "well-known address (WKA)
based" schemes.
MEPContext |
The MEPContext is the version of the MessageContext
that will be given to application handlers as the handler list
is traversed.
Message |
MessageAccessor |
MessageAccessorFactory |
Create an MessageAccessor object.
MessageAccessorFactoryImpl |
Create an MessageAccessor object.
MessageAttachmentContext |
MessageBundle |
Accept parameters for ProjectResourceBundle,
but defer object instantiation (and therefore
resource bundle loading) until required.
MessageBundle |
Accept parameters for ProjectResourceBundle, but defer object instantiation (and therefore
resource bundle loading) until required.
MessageContext |
Axis2 states are held in two information models, called description hierarchy
and context hierarchy.
MessageContext |
The org.apache.axis2.jaxws.core.MessageContext is an interface that extends the
JAX-WS 2.0 defined in the spec.
MessageContextAttachmentContext |
An implementation of the JAXB AttachmentMarshaller that is used to handle binary data from JAXB
and create populate the appropriate constructs on the MessageContext
MessageContextBuilder |
MessageContextFactory |
MessageContextListener |
A MessageContextListener is registered on the AxisService.
MessageContextUtils |
A utility class for handling some of the common issues related to the JAX-WS MessageContext.
MessageContextValidator |
MessageDecoder<T,U> |
MessageDestinationLinkType |
The message-destination-linkType is used to link a message destination reference or
message-driven bean to a message destination.
MessageDestinationRefType |
The message-destination-ref element contains a declaration of Deployment Component's reference to
a message destination associated with a resource in Deployment Component's environment.
MessageDestinationType |
The message-destinationType specifies a message destination.
MessageDestinationTypeType |
The message-destination-typeType specifies the type of the destination.
MessageDestinationUsageType |
The message-destination-usageType specifies the use of the message destination indicated by the
MessageEncoder<T,U> |
MessageExchangeValidator |
MessageExternalizeUtils |
Utility to read/write the Message of a MessageContext
Message Object Format.
MessageFactory |
MessageFactoryImpl |
MessageFactoryImpl |
A factory for creating SOAPMessage objects.
MessageFormatter |
MessageFormatter implementations are used by Axis2 to support serialization
of messages to different message formats.
MessageFormatterEx |
Message formatter with extended capabilities.
MessageFormatterExAdapter |
MessageHandler |
MessageImpl |
A Message is an XML part + Attachments.
MessageLevelMetricsCollector |
MessageLevelMetricsCollectorImpl |
Message level metrics collector implementation used during the tests to check that
message level metrics collection is implemented.
MessagePartInformationHolder |
This class acts as the holder for the information that is required to be attached to the
AxisMessage during unwrapping
MessageProcessorSelector |
MessageProcessorSelector is utility class which encapsulate MessageBuilder and
MessageFormatter selection logic.
MessageReceiver |
An instance of MessageReceiver can be setup to receive messages.
MessageReceiverWriter |
Messages |
Messages |
MessagesConstants |
MessagesConstants |
MessageSender |
MessageTestCase |
MessageTestData |
MessageTypeRule |
Content type rule that matches a given message type and returns a fixed content type.
MessageUtils |
Miscellaneous Utilities that may be useful inside and outside the Message subcomponent.
Metadata |
Class implementing mex:Metadata element
MetaDataEntry |
An internal class for holding a set of information
about an object.
MetadataExchangeModule |
Metadata Exchange Module to support WS-MEX specification
MetadataFactoryRegistry |
MetadataReference |
Class implemented for MetadataReference element defined in
the WS-MetadataExchange spec.
MetadataSection |
Class implemented for MetadataSection element defined in
the WS-MEX spec.
MethodDescriptionComposite |
MethodMarshaller |
This class marshals and unmarshals method invocations.
MethodMarshallerFactory |
The MethodMarshallerFactory creates a Doc/Lit Wrapped, Doc/Lit Bare or RPC Marshaller using
SOAPBinding information
MethodMarshallerUtils |
Static Utilty Classes used by the MethodMarshaller implementations in the alt package.
MethodParameter |
Stores Method Parameter as Name and Value.
MethodRetriever |
A MethodRetriever is an abstract class which is meant to be sub-classed for each type of
method retrieval behavior.
MethodTable |
MetricsCollector |
Collects metrics related to a transport that has metrics support enabled
MexClient |
MexConstants |
Contains all the MetadataExchange constants for WS-Mex.
MexConstants.MEX_CONFIG |
MEX Configuration
Sample mex configuration:
MexConstants.SOAPVersion |
MexConstants.SPEC |
MexConstants.Spec_2004_09 |
MexConstants.Spec_2004_09.Actions |
MexConstants.SPEC_VERSIONS |
MexDisabledException |
MexException |
Base Exception to report problem from implementation classes of
MexMessageReceiver |
Message Receiver for processing WS-MEX GetMetadata request.
MexOM |
Base class for objects implemented for elements defined in
the WS-MEX spec.
MexOMException |
An Exception to report problem from implementation classes for the
WS-MetadataExchange data elements.
MexUtil |
MiddlePanel |
this is the first panel of java2wsdl wizard
MIMEAwareBuilder |
Extension interface for Builder implementations that can build a message from a MIME
multipart message.
MIMEBuilder |
MinConcurrencyTest |
Generic test case to check whether a transport listener processes messages with the expected
level of concurrency.
Module |
Every module provides an implementation of this class.
ModuleBuilder |
Builds a module description from OM
ModuleConfiguration |
This is to store deployment time data , described by
ModuleDeployer |
Standard Axis2 Module Deployer which use module.xml file to deploy
ModulePolicyExtension |
ModuleWSDLLocator |
This class is an implementation of a WSDL4J interface and is the
implementation we supply to a WSDLReader instance.
Month |
Implementation of the XML Schema type gMonth
MonthDay |
Implementation of the XML Schema type gMonthDay
MoshiNamespaceContext |
MoshiXMLStreamReader |
MoshiXMLStreamReader.JsonState |
MoshiXMLStreamWriter |
MTOM10Assertion |
Assertion to pick up the QName <wsoma:OptimizedMimeSerialization
xmlns:wsoma=""/> which is compliant
with the WS-MTOMPolicy verion 1.0.
MTOM10AssertionBuilder |
This builder is responsible for the creation of a MTOM assertion object
(compliant with the WS-MTOMPolicy verion 1.0).
MTOM11Assertion |
Assertion to pick up the QName <wsoma:MTOM
xmlns:wsoma=""/> which is compliant
with the WS-MTOMPolicy verion 1.1.
MTOM11AssertionBuilder |
This builder is responsible for the creation of a MTOM assertion object
(compliant with the WS-MTOMPolicy verion 1.1).
MTOMAnnot |
MTOMAssertion |
This abstract class specifies the common features of a MTOM assertion.
MTOMBuilder |
MTOMConfigurator |
MTOMConfigurator |
MTOMInHandler |
This class does a MTOM validation of the message.
MTOMOutHandler |
This out handler does a check of the effective policy set.
MTOMPolicy |
The module implementation class for the MTOM module.
MulticastBasedMembershipScheme |
Implementation of the multicast based membership scheme.
MultiParentClassLoader |
A MultiParentClassLoader is a simple extension of the URLClassLoader that simply changes the single parent class
loader model to support a list of parent class loaders.
MultipartFormDataBuilder |
MultipartFormDataFormatter |
Formates the request message as multipart/form-data.
MultipleEntryHashMap |
This will make a hash map which can contain multiple entries for the same hash value.
MultirefHelper |
MustUnderstandChecker |
Plugin to remove "understood" headers for the JAXWS related headers.
MustUnderstandUtils |
Static utility methods used in processing mustUnderstand headers relative to JAXWS.
MustUnderstandValidationDispatcher |
Do JAXWS MustUnderstand header processing per the JAXWS 2.0 specification.
Name |
Custom class for supporting XSD data type Name Name represents XML Names.
Name |
Named |
NamedValue |
NamespaceFinder |
NamespaceFinder |
NamespaceGenerator |
This interface must be implemented to provide custom implemtations for,
java package name to namespace mapping.
NamespaceMapping |
Used for nested package definitions.
NamespacePrefix |
provide namesapce prefixes
NameUtils |
NameValueArrayStreamReader |
NameValuePairStreamReader |
NativeThreadFactory |
This is a simple ThreadFactory implementation using java.util.concurrent
Creates threads with the given name prefix
NativeWorkerPool |
Worker pool implementation based on java.util.concurrent in JDK 1.5 or later.
NCName |
Custom class for supporting XSD data type NCName NCName represents XML "non-colonized" Names The
base type of NCName is Name.
NegativeInteger |
Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type negativeinteger
NegativeInteger.BigIntegerRep |
NMToken |
Custom class for supporting XSD data type NMToken
NMTokens |
Custom class for supporting XSD data type NMTokens
NodeImpl<T extends Node,S extends OMNode> |
NodeListImpl |
The NodeList interface provides the abstraction of an ordered collection of nodes,
without defining or constraining how this collection is implemented.
NodeManagementCommand |
This class represents the 2-phase commit protocol, where an event is processed,
the system is prepared to switch to a new configuration based on the processed event,
and finally commits the new configuration (i.e. the system switches to the new configuration).
NodeManagementCommandFactory |
NodeManager |
This interface is responsible for handling configuration management.
NonNegativeInteger |
Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type nonNegativeInteger
NonNegativeInteger.BigIntegerRep |
NonPositiveInteger |
Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type nonPositiveInteger
NonPositiveInteger.BigIntegerRep |
NormalizedString |
Custom class for supporting XSD data type NormalizedString. normalizedString represents white
space normalized strings.
Notation |
Custom class for supporting XSD data type NOTATION.
NullBindingFactory |
Dummy binding factory for when the generated Axis2 linkage code uses only simple value
conversions (and hence doesn't need a real JiBX binding).
NullXMLStreamReader |
OASISCatalogManager |
OASISCatalogManager provides an interface to the catalog properties.
ObjectFactory |
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.xml.handler package.
ObjectInputStreamWithCL |
An ObjectInputStream that is constructed with a ClassLoader or ClassResolver.
ObjectInputStreamWithCL.ClassResolver |
This interface is used to resolve OSGi declared serializable classes.
ObjectStateUtils |
Utility to write, read and activate externalized Objects
ObjectSupplier |
OccurrenceArray |
Used by the marshaling engine to wrap an array or List
to indicate that the components should be marshaled
as a series of elements (occurrence elements).
OMAttribKey |
A dummy object that acts as the key for the OMAttribute in the attribute array - this will be
provided as part of the constants
OMBlock |
OMBlock Block represented by an OMElement object
OMBlockFactory |
OMBlockFactoryImpl |
OMBlockImpl |
OMBlockImpl Block with a business object that is an OMElement
OMElementConvertor |
The OMElementConvertor interface enables customizing the conversion of
XML between Synapse and a script language.
OMElementKey |
A dummy class that creates nothing but a key for the OMElement when it is passed to the
OnDemandLogger |
The OnDemandLogger will defer the creation of the
actual Log object until it is needed.
OneWayAnnot |
OperationClient |
An operation client is the way an advanced user interacts with Axis2.
OperationContext |
An OperationContext represents a running "instance" of an operation, which is
represented by an AxisOperation object.
OperationContextFactory |
This is the factory for OperationContext.
OperationDescription |
An OperationDescripton corresponds to a method on an SEI.
OperationDescriptionJava |
OperationDescriptionValidator |
OperationDescriptionWSDL |
OperationMode |
The mode in which this member is operating such a loadBalance or application
OperationObj |
OperationRuntimeDescription |
A OperationRuntimeDescription object contains immutable data that is needed during the runtime
(i.e. to cache marshal and demarshal information).
OptionPanel |
this is the first panel of java2wsdl wizard
Options |
Holder for operation client options.
OptionsPage |
Options Page lets the user change general settings on the code generation.
OptionsParser |
OptionsValidator |
An interface for the options validator.
OutInAxisOperation |
OutOnlyAxisOperation |
OutputForm |
OutputPage |
OutputPanel |
this class java 2 wsdl output wizard panel
OutTransportInfo |
PackageFinder |
PackageNameTableModel |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
PackageSetBuilder |
In order to marshal or unmarshal the user data, we need to know the set of packages involved.
Page2Bean |
Page3Bean |
Parameter |
Class Parameter
Parameter |
ParameterDescription |
A ParameterDescripton corresponds to parameter to a method on an SEI.
ParameterDescriptionComposite |
ParameterDescriptionJava |
ParameterDescriptionWSDL |
ParameterDialog |
ParameterInclude |
Interface ParameterInclude
ParameterIncludeImpl |
Class ParameterIncludeImpl
ParameterObj |
ParameterObserver |
ParamNameExtractor |
This class retrieves function parameter names from bytecode built with
debugging symbols.
ParamReader |
This is the class file reader for obtaining the parameter names
for declared methods in a class.
ParamUtils |
Utility class with methods to manipulate service or transport parameters.
ParamValueType |
This type is a general type that can be used to declare parameter/value lists.
PathType |
The elements that use this type designate either a relative path or an absolute path starting
with a "/".
PDElement |
A PDElement object holds a ParameterDescription
Element object.
PersistenceContextRefType |
The persistence-context-ref element contains a declaration of Deployment Component's reference to
a persistence context associated within a Deployment Component's environment.
PersistenceContextTypeType |
The persistence-context-typeType specifies the transactional nature of a persistence context
PersistenceUnitRefType |
The persistence-unit-ref element contains a declaration of Deployment Component's reference to a
persistence unit associated within a Deployment Component's environment.
Phase |
A Phase is an ordered collection of Handlers.
PhaseException |
Class PhaseException
PhaseHolder |
This class hold all the phases found in the services.xml and server.xml
PhaseMetadata |
Class PhaseMetadata
PhaseResolver |
Class PhaseResolver
PhaseRule |
Class PhaseRule
PhasesInfo |
Pingable |
PingConstants |
PingMessageReceiver |
PingResponse |
PlainTextBuilder |
Message builder for plain text payloads.
PlainTextFormatter |
PluginClassLoader |
POJODeployer |
PolicyDataLocator |
Axis 2 Data Locator responsibles for retrieving Policy metadata.
PolicyEvaluator |
PolicyExtension |
PolicyFileWriter |
PolicyInclude |
PolicyLocator |
PolicySubject |
PolicyUtil |
PollingFuture |
PollTableEntry |
Holds information about an entry in the VFS transport poll table used by the
VFS Transport Listener
PortAllocator |
PortComponentRefType |
The port-component-ref element declares a client dependency on the container for resolving a
Service Endpoint Interface to a WSDL port.
PortComposite |
This subclass of the DescriptionBuilderComposite will be used to model
information specific to a port.
PortInfoImpl |
PositiveInteger |
Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type positiveInteger
PositiveInteger.BigIntegerRep |
PostRI216MethodRetrieverImpl |
PostRI216MethodRetrieverImpl subclass implements the new SUN RI interpretation for
annotation processing.
PrefixedQName |
Class Prefixed QName
PrettyPrinter |
Tidies up the java source code.
PrimitiveTypeFinder |
A simple utiliy to find whether a given class name is
primitive or not
PrimitiveTypeWrapper |
ProcessException |
ProcessPacketTask |
Task encapsulating the processing of a datagram.
ProgressBarPanel |
ProjectResourceBundle |
Wrapper class for resource bundles.
ProjectResourceBundle |
Wrapper class for resource bundles.
PropertyDescriptorMapBuilder |
Walks the ServiceDescription and its child *Description classes to find all of the types.
PropertyDescriptorPlus |
A PropertyDescriptor provides acesss to a bean property.
PropertyDifference |
This class holds the difference between two properties which are stored in the
PropertyMigrator |
The PropertyMigrator implements the ApplicationContextMigrator in order to perform the necessary
manipulations of properties during a request or response flow.
PropertyRule |
Content type rule that attempts to extract the content type from a message property.
PropertyType |
Specifies a name/value pair.
PropertyUpdater |
PropertyValidator |
Protocol |
Protocol Each message has a protocol (soap11, soap12, rest) This enum represents the protocol
within the Message sub-component
ProtocolEndpoint |
Describes a protocol specific endpoint.
Provider |
ProviderDispatcher |
The ProviderDispatcher is used to invoke instances of a target endpoint that implement the Provider interface.
ProxyAsyncListener |
ProxyAsyncListener will be used to create response object when client does response.get(); The
Class will return the data type associated with Response Generic Class.
ProxyNode<T extends Node,S extends OMInformationItem> |
A representation of a node (element) in a DOM representation of an XML document that provides
some tree manipulation methods.
QueryStringParser |
Parser for URL query strings.
RawXMLINOnlyMessageReceiver |
The RawXMLINOnlyMessageReceiver MessageReceiver hands over the raw request received to
the service implementation class as an OMElement.
RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver |
The RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver MessageReceiver hands over the raw request received to
the service implementation class as an OMElement.
RB |
RB |
RBOMElementConvertor |
OMElementConvertor for Ruby scripts
TODO: Right now this goes via Strings and likely isn't very fast
There could well be much better ways to do this :)
Reader |
Reader In many situations, you want the ability to reset an XMLStreamReader.
Reader2Writer |
Reader2Writer This is a simple converter that is constructed with an XMLStreamReader and allows
you to write the contents to an XMLStreamWriter.
ReferenceParameterList |
This class is used to provide a read-only list of reference parameters
via the JAX-WS 2.1 api.
RelatesTo |
Class RelatesTo
RelatesToBasedOperationDispatcher |
RelatesToBasedServiceDispatcher |
RemoteType |
The remote element contains the fully-qualified name of the enterprise bean's remote interface.
Replicator |
Replicates serializable properties
RepoHelper |
The Class RepoHelper is utility that deal with repo creation.
RepositoryListener |
Request |
Interface to prepare and execute an HTTP request.
RequestBlockingHandler |
RequestResponseChannel |
RequestResponseMessageTestCase<M,N> |
RequestResponseTestClient<M,N> |
RequestResponseTestClientAdapter<M,N,O,P> |
RequestResponseTransport |
This interface represents a control object for a Request/Response transport.
RequestResponseTransport.RequestResponseTransportStatus |
Used to give the current status of the RequestResponseTransport object.
RequestSessionCookie |
RequestURIBasedDispatcher |
Dispatches the service based on the information from the target endpoint URL.
RequestURIBasedOperationDispatcher |
Dispatches the operation based on the information from the target endpoint URL.
RequestURIBasedServiceDispatcher |
RequestURIOperationDispatcher |
Dispatches the operation based on the information from the target endpoint URL.
RequestWrapperAnnot |
ResAuthType |
The res-authType specifies whether the Deployment Component code signs on programmatically to the
resource manager, or whether the Container will sign on to the resource manager on behalf of the
Deployment Component.
ResettableReader |
ResettableReader A resettable XMLStreamReader.
ResolvedHandlersDescription |
Information related to handlers which have been resolved to a particluar port.
ResolvedHandlersDescriptionImpl |
Implementation of the ResolvedHandlersDescription interface
ResourceEnvRefType |
The resource-env-refType is used to define resource-env-type elements.
ResourceFinder |
ResourceFinderFactory |
ResourceFinderImpl |
ResourceInjectionException |
ResourceInjectionFactory |
This class is is responsible for creating instances that can
handle resource injection.
ResourceInjectionServiceRuntimeDescription |
Used to cache @Resource injection information
ResourceInjectionServiceRuntimeDescriptionBuilder |
ResourceInjectionServiceRuntimeDescriptionFactory |
ResourceInjectionServiceRuntimeDescriptionImpl |
ResourceInjector |
ResourceRefType |
The resource-refType contains a declaration of a Deployment Component's reference to an external
RespectBindingAnnot |
RespectBindingConfigurator |
RespectBindingConfigurator |
An implementation of the ServerConfigurator interface that will
configure the endpoint based on the presence of a RespectBinding
ResponseSessionCookie |
ResponseWrapperAnnot |
ResSharingScopeType |
The res-sharing-scope type specifies whether connections obtained through the given resource
manager connection factory reference can be shared.
RestartMemberCommand |
RESTMessage |
RESTMessage.Parameter |
RESTTestCase |
RESTUtil |
RobustOutOnlyAxisOperation |
RoleNameType |
The role-nameType designates the name of a security role.
RpcInitializationRequestHandler |
Handles RPC initialization requests from members
RPCInOnlyMessageReceiver |
RPCInOutAsyncMessageReceiver |
RPCLitMethodMarshaller |
RpcMembershipRequestHandler |
Handles RPC membership requests from members.
RPCMessageReceiver |
RpcMessagingHandler |
Handles RPC messages from members
RPCServiceClient |
RPCUtil |
RunAsType |
The run-asType specifies the run-as identity to be used for the execution of a component.
SAAJConverter |
SAAJConverter Provides Conversion between SAAJ and OM Constructed via the SAAJConverterFactory
SAAJConverterFactory |
SAAJConverterFactory Creates an SAAJConverter object A factory is necessary because
implementations may need to plug in their own SAAJ or OM implementations.
SAAJConverterFactoryImpl |
SAAJConverterFactoryImpl Get the default SAAJConverter implementation.
SAAJConverterImpl |
SAAJConverterImpl Provides an conversion methods between OM<->SAAJ
SAAJDataSource |
SAAJDocument |
SAAJFactory |
Provides convenience methods to construct a SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 SAAJ MessageFactory or
SAAJMetaFactoryImpl |
SAAJUtil |
Utility class for the Axis2-WSS4J Module
SafeObjectInputStream |
A SafeObjectInputStream reads data that was written by SafeObjectOutputStream
SafeObjectOutputStream |
A SafeObjectOutputStream provides extra mechanisms to ensure that
objects can be safely serialized to the ObjectOutput.
SafeSerializable |
This is a marker interface that indicates that the Object
and all contents of the Object can be serialized safely without
Scheduler |
SchedulerTask |
SchemaCompilationException |
A simeple extension from the java.lang.exception to serve as the schema compilers
SchemaCompiler |
Schema compiler for ADB.
SchemaCompilerMessages |
SchemaConstants |
Constants for the QNames of standard schema types
SchemaConstants.SchemaCompilerArguments |
SchemaConstants.SchemaCompilerInfoHolder |
SchemaConstants.SchemaPropertyNames |
SchemaDataLocator |
Axis 2 Data Locator responsibles for retrieving Schema metadata.
SchemaGenerator |
SchemaPropertyLoader |
Loads the properties for the schema compiler.
SchemaReader |
Schema Reader interface is used to read schema from wsdl and derive appropriate package names
from targetnamespace.
SchemaReaderException |
SchemaReaderImpl |
SchemaSupplier |
Return a XMLSchema as an OMElement.
SchemaUnwrapperExtension |
This extension invokes the schema unwrapper depending on the users setting. it is desirable to
put this extension before other extensions since extnsions such as the databinding extension may
well depend on the schema being unwrapped previously.
SchemaUtil |
SchemaWriter |
A convenient class to write out the schemas into a file in the output location
ScriptDeploymentEngine |
An Axis2 DeploymentEngine subclass for deploying script services
supporting hot deploy and hot update.
ScriptInvoker |
ScriptMessageContext |
ScriptMessageContext decorates the Axis2 MessageContext adding methods to use
the message payload XML in a way natural to the scripting language.
ScriptModule |
Axis2 module to initialize script services.
ScriptReceiver |
An Axis2 MessageReceiver for invoking script language functions.
ScriptRepositoryListener |
An Axis2 RepositoryListener subclass for dealing with script services
SecondPanel |
SecurityRoleRefType |
The security-role-refType contains the declaration of a security role reference in a component's
or a Deployment Component's code.
SecurityRoleType |
The security-roleType contains the definition of a security role.
SelfManagedDataHolder |
SelfManagedDataManager |
An interface for use by a message handler to allow
it to save and restore any message-specific data.
ServerCallback |
ServerConfigurator |
ServerConfiguratorRegistry |
ServerConstants |
ServerFramework |
ServerUtil |
Utility class with methods useful when working with test servers.
ServiceArchiveCreator |
ServiceArchiveOutputLocationPage |
ServiceArchiveOutputLocationPage |
ServiceArchiver |
The main plugin class to be used in the desktop.
ServiceArchiveWizard |
ServiceBuilder |
Builds a service description from OM
ServiceBuilderExtension |
The interface ServiceBuilderExtension provides an extension point to
org.apache.axis2.deployment.Deployer interface.
ServiceClient |
Client access to a service.
ServiceContext |
Well this is never clearly defined, what it does or the life-cycle.
ServiceData |
This represents the service data for a dialect and identifier if specified.
ServiceDelegate |
The ServiceDelegate serves as the backing implementation for all of the methods in the Service API.
ServiceDeployer |
Standard Axis2 service Deployer which use services.xml file to build
ServiceDescription |
A ServiceDescription corresponds to a Service under which there can be a collection of enpdoints.
ServiceDescription |
ServiceDescriptionImpl |
ServiceDescriptionJava |
ServiceDescriptionValidator |
ServiceDescriptionWSDL |
ServiceGroupBuilder |
ServiceGroupContext |
ServiceInstanceFactory |
Code wishing to create web service implementation instances for JAX-WS
requests must implement this interface and register it with the the
JAX-WS FactoryRegistry.
ServiceInstanceFactoryImpl |
This class will be responsible for creating an instance of
a web service implementation class for each incoming request
into the JAX-WS runtime.
ServiceLifeCycle |
When you want to initialize database connections , starting threads and etc..
ServiceModeAnnot |
ServiceName |
ServiceObj |
ServiceObjectSupplier |
ServicePluginUtils |
ServiceRefHandlerChainsType |
The handler-chains element defines the handlerchains associated with this service or service
ServiceRefHandlerChainType |
The handler-chain element defines the handlerchain.
ServiceRefHandlerType |
Declares the handler for a port-component.
ServiceRefType |
The service-ref element declares a reference to a Web service.
ServiceRuntimeDescription |
A ServiceRuntimeDescription object contains immutable data that is needed during the runtime
(i.e. to detect @Resource injection).
ServiceTaskManager |
Each service will have one ServiceTaskManager instance that will create, manage and also destroy
idle tasks created for it, for message receipt.
ServiceTaskManagerFactory |
ServiceXMLCreater |
ServiceXMLEditPage |
ServiceXMLFileSelectionPage |
ServiceXMLFileSelectionPage |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
ServiceXMLGenerationPage |
ServiceXMLGenerationPage |
ServiceXMLWriter |
ServletBasedOutTransportInfo |
SessionContext |
All the engine components are stateless across the executions and all the states should be kept in the
Contexts, there are three context Global, Session and Message.
SessionManager |
SessionUtils |
SettingsConstants |
SettingsConstants |
Setup |
Annotation identifying methods to be called when a resource is set up.
ShutdownMemberCommand |
This command is sent when a node in the cluster needs to be shutdown
SimpleAxis2Server |
SimpleDBExtension |
Extension for simple data binding.
SimpleHttpServer |
A simple, but configurable and extensible HTTP server.
SimpleHTTPServer |
This is a simple implementation of an HTTP server for processing
SOAP requests via Apache's xml-axis2.
SimpleHttpServerMojo |
Run simple Axis 2Server.
SimpleTransportDescriptionFactory |
SimpleTypeMapper |
SingleThreadedExecutor |
A simple Executor implementation that does not create a new thread
for processing work, but just borrows the current thread.
SkeletonInterfaceWriter |
SkeletonWriter |
SOAPActionBasedDispatcher |
Dispatches based on the SOAPAction.
SOAPBinding |
An implementation of the
SoapBindingAnnot |
SOAPBodyElementImpl<T extends OMElement> |
SOAPBodyImpl |
SOAPBuilder |
SOAPConnectionFactoryImpl |
SOAPConnectionImpl |
SOAPElementImpl<T extends OMElement> |
SOAPEnvelopeBlock |
SOAPEnvelopeBlock Block represented by an SAAJ SOAPEnvelope.
SOAPEnvelopeBlockFactory |
SOAPEnvelopeBlockFactoryImpl |
Creates a SOAPEnvelopeBlock
SOAPEnvelopeBlockImpl |
SOAPEnvelopeImpl |
SOAPFactoryImpl |
SOAPFaultElementImpl<T extends OMElement> |
SOAPFaultImpl |
SOAPHeaderElementImpl |
SOAPHeaderImpl |
SOAPHeaderMessage |
SOAPHeadersAdapter |
The JAX-WS exposes soap header properties whose value is Map>.
SOAPMessageBodyBasedDispatcher |
Dispatches based on the namespace URI of the first child of
the body.
SOAPMessageBodyBasedOperationDispatcher |
SOAPMessageBodyBasedServiceDispatcher |
SoapMessageContext |
The SOAPMessageContext is the context handed to SOAP-based application handlers.
SOAPMessageFormatter |
SOAPMessageImpl |
SOAPModuleMessage |
SOAPMonitorApplet |
This is a SOAP Mointor Applet class.
SOAPMonitorConstants |
SOAP Monitor Service constants
SOAPMonitorHandler |
SOAPMonitorModule |
SOAPMonitorService |
This is a SOAP Monitor Service class.
SOAPPartImpl |
SoapUtils |
SourceBlock |
SourceBlock Block with a business object that is a javax.xml.transform.Source
SourceBlockFactory |
SourceBlockFactoryImpl |
SourceBlockImpl |
SourceDataSource |
OMDataSource backed by a source
SpringAppContextAwareObjectSupplier |
SpringServletContextObjectSupplier |
SrcCompiler |
This is the custom class for compiling the source
SrcCompiler |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
StackableReader |
StackableReader A StackableStreamReader provides an additional method push(XMLStreamReader)
StateClusteringCommand |
StateClusteringCommandCollection |
A StateClusteringCommand consisting of a collection of other StateClusteringCommands
StateClusteringCommandFactory |
StateManager |
This interface is responsible for handling context replication.
Status |
StreamWrapper |
String |
This is a special string datatype that is defined by Java EE as a base type for defining
collapsed strings.
Stub |
Base class for generated client stubs.
SubmissionAddressing |
SubmissionAddressingFeature |
SubmissionEndpointReference |
Java class for EndpointReferenceType complex type.
SubmissionEndpointReferenceBuilder |
SwATestCase |
SynchronousCallback |
TargetResolver |
TCPConstants |
TCPEndpoint |
TCPOutTransportInfo |
TCPServer |
TCPTransportListener |
TCPTransportSender |
TCPWorker |
This Class is the work hoarse of the TCP request, this process the incomming SOAP Message.
TearDown |
Annotation identifying methods to be called when a resource is torn down.
TempFileManager |
Generates and properly cleans up temporary files.
TestClassWriter |
TestClient |
TestEndpoint |
TestKitLogManager |
TestResource |
TestResourceSet |
TestResourceSetTransition |
TextFromElementDataSource |
Data source that represents the text of a given OMElement .
TextImplEx |
TextMessageBuilder |
Message builder able to build messages from a character stream.
TextMessageBuilderAdapter |
TextPlainTestCase |
ThreadContextDescriptor |
ThreadContextMigrator |
This is the interface for a piece of code that will plug into the user
programming model impl (e.g.
ThreadContextMigratorUtil |
This is a utility class to make it easier/cleaner for user programming
model-level implementations (e.g. the Axis2 JAX-WS code) to invoke the
ThreadFactory |
ThreadPool |
This the thread pool for axis2.
Time |
Class that represents the xsd:time XML Schema type
TMAnnotationComposite |
This interface will be implemented by the DescriptionBuilderComposite and
TMFAnnotationComposite |
This interface will be implemented by the DescriptionBuilderComposite,
MethodDescriptionComposite, and FieldDescriptionCompoiste.
Token |
Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type Token. token represents tokenized strings.
ToolSelectionPage |
TopElement |
this class is used to represent the top element
details of the schema
TransactionConfiguration |
Transient |
Annotation identifying fields to be reset when a resource is torn down.
Transport |
TransportConfiguration |
TransportDeployer |
TransportDescriptionFactory |
TransportError |
TransportErrorListener |
TransportErrorSource |
TransportErrorSourceSupport |
TransportHeaders |
Pass-Thru / delayed get and put of the values from HttpServletRequest
TransportHeadersAdapter |
The JAX-WS exposes transport properties whose value is Map>.
TransportInDescription |
Represents an incoming transport deployed in Axis2.
TransportListener |
Class TransportListener
TransportListenerEndpointView |
TransportListenerEndpointViewMBean |
TransportMBeanSupport |
Support class to register MBeans for transport listeners and senders.
TransportOutDescription |
Represents a transport deployed in AXis2
TransportSender |
TransportSender sends the SOAP Message to other SOAP nodes.
TransportTestSuiteBuilder |
TransportUtils |
TransportView |
TransportViewMBean |
TribesAxisObserver |
AxisObserver which specifically handles setting of service & module classloaders for
message deserialization by Tribes
TribesClusteringAgent |
The main ClusteringAgent class for the Tribes based clustering implementation
TribesConstants |
This class holds the configuration parameters which are specific to Tribes
TribesMembershipListener |
Membership changes are notified using this class
TribesUtil |
TrueFalseType |
This simple type designates a boolean with only two permissible values
TrustAllTrustManager |
Normally when we connect over HTTPS, if the server sends us a certificate that is not well
known, we have to specify a keystore using system properties:
Tunnel |
TwoChannelAxisOperation |
This class is to keep common methods and properties in InOut and OutIn axisOperation
TypeMap |
This is a typemapper for the bean writer
TypeMapper |
TypeMapperExtension |
The purpose of this extension is to populate the type mapper from the type mapping file.
TypeMappingAdapter |
TypeTable |
TypeTesterUtil |
UDPConstants |
Utility class defining constants used by the UDP transport.
UDPListener |
Transport listener for the UDP protocol.
UDPOutTransportInfo |
Holder of information to send an outgoing message to a UDP destination.
UDPSender |
Transport sender for the UDP protocol.
UIConstants |
UnderstandAllHeadersHandler |
Marks all SOAP headers as processed.
Union |
this class is the super class of all the union simple types
UnknownContentBuilder |
UnknownContentOMDataSource |
UnmarshalInfo |
Information saved from a prior unmarshal that is used
to speed up subsequent unmarshalling.
UnmarshalMessageContextListener |
This MessageContextListener is triggered when
a ServiceContext is attached to the MessageContext and
when a SOAPEnvelope is attached to the MessageContext.
UnmatchedTypeException |
A simple exception that will be thrown if a type is not matched!
UnsignedByte |
Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type UnsignedByte
UnsignedInt |
Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type UnsignedInt
UnsignedLong |
Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type UnsignedLong
UnsignedShort |
Custom class for supporting primitive XSD data type UnsignedShort
UpdateConfigurationStateCommand |
UpdateServiceGroupStateCommand |
UpdateServiceStateCommand |
UpdateStateCommand |
******************************************************************* Axis Note: This class was
'borrowed' from Xerces 2.0.2
URI.MalformedURIException |
**************************************************************** MalformedURIExceptions are
thrown in the process of building a URI or setting fields on a URI when an operation would
result in an invalid URI specification.
URIEncoderDecoder |
URIResolverImpl |
This class is used to locate xml schemas that are imported by wsdl documents.
URLBasedAxisConfigurator |
URLEndpoint |
URLEndpointFactory |
URLEndpointsConfiguration |
URLEndpointsConfigurationFactory |
UrlPatternType |
The url-patternType contains the url pattern of the mapping.
URLProcessor |
URLTemplatingUtil |
This util is used on the client side for creating the URL's for all request (WSDL 2.0 allws to
change the URL's of SOAP messages too).
Utilities |
this class used for set frame in center of the current desktop
Utils |
Utils |
Utils |
This is a MTOM module utility class.
Utils |
Utility class with methods used by datagram transports.
Utils |
UtilsTransportServer |
Base class for transport util servers used in unit testing
ValidateXMLFile |
this calss used for check service xml validation
ValidationFailures |
Record Validator Failures.
Validator |
Validator.ValidationLevel |
Version |
Class representing a version number and implementing a comparison algorithm compatible
with Maven.
Version |
Little utility to get the version and build date of the axis2.jar.
WarBasedAxisConfigurator |
Processes the init parameters for the AxisServlet.
WarBasedWSDLLocator |
WarFileBasedURIResolver |
WaterMarkExecutor |
An ExecutorService that executes each submitted task using
one of possibly several pooled threads, but the execution happens differently
from the ThreadPoolExecutor .
WaterMarkQueue<T> |
This queue acts as a queue with a mark.
WeakKey |
Implement a WeakReference key to be used in a collection.
WebEndpointAnnot |
WebFaultAnnot |
WebMethodAnnot |
WebParamAnnot |
WebResultAnnot |
WebServiceAnnot |
WebServiceClientAnnot |
WebServiceContextAnnot |
WebServiceContextImpl |
WebServiceContextInjector |
WebServiceContextInjectorImpl |
WebServiceExceptionLogger |
Controls error logging of exceptions thrown by the WebService application (provider, impl, etc.)
WebServiceProviderAnnot |
WebServiceRefAnnot |
Wizard |
interface for wizard
WizardBean |
WizardComponents |
this interface extends from wizard interface
WizardFrame |
wizardFrame class
WizardPane |
WizardPane1 |
WizardPane2 |
WizardPane3 |
WizardPanel |
this is wizardPanel it is extends from Jpanel
WkaBasedMembershipScheme |
Implementation of the WKA(well-known address) based membership scheme.
WkaMembershipService |
This is the MembershipService which manages group membership based on a Well-Known Addressing (WKA)
Worker |
WorkerFactory |
WorkerPool |
WorkerPoolFactory |
Worker pool factory.
WrappedDataHandler |
This class acts as a wrapper for the javax.activation.DataHandler class.
WrappingXMLStreamReader |
WSDL11ActionHelper |
The WSDL11ActionHelper provides 3 static methods to determine the correct wsa:Action value from
a wsdl4j Input/Output/Fault object.
WSDL11DefaultActionPatternHelper |
Generates a wsa:Action value using the Default Action Pattern defined at
WSDL11SupplierTemplate |
WSDL11ToAllAxisServicesBuilder |
Extends the WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder class to provide functionality to return
multiple AxisService objects; one for each port on each service in the WSDL 1.1 file.
WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder |
WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder.WSDLProcessingException |
Inner class declaration for the processing exceptions
WSDL11Writer |
WSDL20DefaultValueHolder |
WSDL20SupplierTemplate |
WSDL20ToAllAxisServicesBuilder |
Extends the WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder class to provide functionality to return
multiple AxisService objects; one for each endpoint on each service in the WSDL 2.0 file.
WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder |
WSDL20Util |
WSDL20Writer |
WSDL2Code |
WSDL2CodeMojo |
WSDL2Constants |
WSDL2Java |
WSDL2JavaGenerator |
WSDL2JavaOptionsValidator |
WSDL2JavaOutputPanel |
WSDL4JImportedWSDLHelper |
This class provides support for processing a WSDL4J defintion which includes imports.
WSDL4JWrapper |
Implementation of WSDLWrapper interface which controls access
to the underlying Definition (WSDLDefinitionWrapper).
WSDLAutoGenerateOptionBean |
WSDLBasedPolicyProcessor |
WsdlComposite |
WSDLConstants |
WSDLConstants.WSDL11Constants |
WSDLDataLocator |
Axis 2 Data Locator responsibles for retrieving WSDL metadata.
WSDLDefinitionWrapper |
There are cases where a WSDL definition is kept in memory
in case it needs to be accessed during runtime.
WSDLExtensionUtils |
This utility class stores methods that can be used to fetch extension elements
from wsdl and will be used from RespectBindingConfigurator on Client and Server.
WSDLExtensionValidator |
An implementation of the WSDLExtensionValidator will perform validation
on required=true wsdl extensibility elements.
WSDLExtensionValidatorUtil |
This is a utility class to make it easier/cleaner for the JAX-WS code
to invoke the WSDLExtensionValidators.
WSDLFileFilter |
this class use for filter file
WSDLFileLocationBean |
WSDLFileSelectionPage |
The first page of the code generator wizrad.
WSDLFileSelectionPage |
WSDLFileSelectionPage |
Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
WsdlgenBean |
WsdlGenerator |
WSDLJavaAdvanceDialog |
WSDLLocation |
WSDLOptionsPage |
WSDLPrettyPrinterExtension |
WSDLPropertyReader |
This class presents a convenient way of reading the
WSDL file(url) and producing a useful set of information
It does NOT use any of the standard WSDL classes from
Axis2, rather it uses wsdl4j to read the wsdl and extract
the properties (This is meant as a convenience for the UI
WSDLReaderConfigurator |
This interface will be implemented by classes that wish to
configure an instance of a WSDLReader object.
WSDLReaderConfiguratorImpl |
An instance of this class will be registered with the MetadataFactoryRegistry
and will be retrieved when a WSDLReader instance is created.
WSDLSerializationUtil |
Helps the AxisService to WSDL process
WSDLServiceBuilderExtension |
The class WSDLServiceBuilderExtension is a ServiceBuilderExtension which
facilitate to generate AxisServices based on WSDL 1.1 and WSDL 2.0 documents.
WSDLSupplier |
Return a WSDL as an OMElement.
WSDLToAxisServiceBuilder |
WSDLUtil |
Some utility methods for the WSDL users
WSDLValidatorElement |
WSDLValidator Element is used to store the state of the WSDL:Binding required=true
WSDLValidatorElement.State |
WSDLValidatorExtension |
WSDLWrapper |
Defines WSDL Access methods
WSDLWrapperBasicImpl |
This class provides support for processing a WSDL4J definition
with a lower memory footprint.
WSDLWrapperImpl |
This interface provides support for processing a WSDL4J definition
with a lower memory footprint.
WSDLWrapperReloadImpl |
This class provides support for processing a WSDL4J definition
with a lower memory footprint.
WSDLWrapperSaveImpl |
There are cases where a WSDL definition is kept in memory
in case it needs to be accessed during runtime.
WSInfo |
WSInfoList |
WSMimeMessage |
The default MimeMessage does not let us set a custom MessageID on a message being
WSToolingUtils |
XFormURLEncodedBuilder |
XFormURLEncodedFormatter |
Formates the request message as application/x-www-form-urlencoded
XMLAsyncMessageTestCase |
XMLBeansExtension |
XmlBeansXMLReader |
XMLChar |
This class defines the basic XML character properties.
XmlComplexType |
this class represents an xml complex type
XMLDispatch<T> |
XMLDispatchAsyncListener |
The XMLDispatchAsyncListener is an extension of the AsyncResponse
class to provide proper deserialization into the target format (XML String or Source).
XmlElement |
this class represents an xml element
XmlEnumUtils |
Utility methods for JAXB Enum classes
XMLFault |
This is a value class that is an agnostic representation of a fault.
XMLFaultCode |
Agnostic representation of SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 fault code values.
XMLFaultReason |
Agnostic representation of a Fault Reason/faultstring.
XMLFaultUtils |
Collection of utilities used by the Message implementation to process XMLFaults.
XmlFileFilter |
XmlImport |
this class represents an xml schema import
XMLMessage |
XMLMessage.Type |
XmlNode |
XmlNodeGenerator |
XMLPart |
The XML portion of a Message
The JAX-WS implementation (proxy, message receiver, etc.) interact with the
Message via Blocks.
XMLPartBase |
XMLPartBase class for an XMLPart An XMLPart is an abstraction of the xml portion of the message.
XMLPartFactory |
XMLPartFactoryImpl |
XMLPartImpl |
XMLPrettyPrinter |
An XML pretty printer based on xsl stylesheets
XMLPrettyPrinterExtension |
XMLRequestResponseMessageTestCase |
XMLRootElementUtil |
XmlSchema |
this class represents and schema object.
XMLStreamReaderFilter |
XMLStreamReaderFilter Abstract class that simply delegates to the initial reader.
XMLStreamReaderForXMLSpine |
XMLStreamWriterArrayFilter |
In some cases, we want to marshal an array of objects as a series
of elements instead of a single element containing items.
XMLStreamWriterFilterBase |
The base class for classes that are MTOMXMLStreamWriter filters.
XMLStreamWriterRemoveIllegalChars |
This is an MTOMXMLStreamWriter filter that removes illegal characters.
XMLStreamWriterWithOS |
XMLStreamReader that exposes direct access to the OutputStream.
XMLStringBlock |
XMLStringBlock Block with a business object that is a String containing xml text
XMLStringBlockFactory |
XMLStringBlockFactoryImpl |
XMLStringBlockImpl |
XMLUtils |
XMLUtils.ParserErrorHandler |
XMPPClientConnectionFactory |
XMPPClientResponseManager |
XMPPClientSidePacketListener |
XMPPConnectionFactory |
XMPPConstants |
XMPPListener |
XMPPOutTransportInfo |
Holds XMPP transport out details
XMPPPacketListener |
XMPPSampleClient |
XMPPSender |
XMPPServerCredentials |
Holds connection details to a XMPP Server
XMPPUtils |
XSD2Java |
XsdAnyURIType |
This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:anyURI.
XsdBooleanType |
This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:boolean.
XsdIntegerType |
This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:integer.
XSDListUtils |
Utilities to convert to/from xsd:list String to Object[]/List values.
This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:NMTOKEN.
XsdNonNegativeIntegerType |
This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:nonNegativeInteger.
XsdPositiveIntegerType |
This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:positiveInteger.
XsdQNameType |
This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:QName.
XsdStringType |
This type adds an "id" attribute to xsd:string.
XSLTIncludeResolver |
XSLTTemplateProcessor |
XSLTUtils |
Year |
Implementation of the XML Schema type gYear
YearMonth |
Implementation of the XML Schema type gYearMonth