Class MinConcurrencyTest

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MinConcurrencyTest
    extends ManagedTestCase
    Generic test case to check whether a transport listener processes messages with the expected level of concurrency. This test case is used to verify that the listener is able to process messages simultaneously.

    The test case deploys a given number of services and sends a configurable number of messages to each of these services. The services are configured with a custom message receiver that blocks until the expected level of concurrency (given by the number of endpoints times the number of messages) is reached. If after some timeout the concurrency level is not reached, the test fails.

    • Constructor Detail

      • MinConcurrencyTest

        public MinConcurrencyTest​(AsyncChannel[] channels,
                                  int messages,
                                  boolean preloadMessages,
                                  Object... resources)
    • Method Detail

      • runTest

        protected void runTest()
                        throws Throwable
        runTest in class junit.framework.TestCase