Class CallbackFuture

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class CallbackFuture
    extends Object
    implements AxisCallback
    The CallbackFuture implements the Axis2 org.apache.axis2.client.async.Callback API and will get registered with the Axis2 engine to receive the asynchronous callback responses. This object is also responsible for taking the java.util.concurrent.Executor given to it by the JAX-WS client and using that as the thread on which to deliver the async response the JAX-WS
    • Method Detail

      • displayHandle

        public static String displayHandle​(Object obj)
      • getFutureTask

        public Future<?> getFutureTask()
      • onError

        public void onError​(Exception e)
        Description copied from interface: AxisCallback
        This gets called ONLY when an internal processing exception occurs.
        Specified by:
        onError in interface AxisCallback
        e - the Exception which caused the problem
      • onMessage

        public void onMessage​(MessageContext msgContext)
        Description copied from interface: AxisCallback
        This is called when we receive a message.
        Specified by:
        onMessage in interface AxisCallback
        msgContext - the (response) MessageContext
      • onComplete

        public void onComplete()
        Description copied from interface: AxisCallback
        This is called at the end of the MEP no matter what happens, quite like a finally block.
        Specified by:
        onComplete in interface AxisCallback
      • onFault

        public void onFault​(MessageContext msgContext)
        Description copied from interface: AxisCallback
        This gets called when a fault message is received.
        Specified by:
        onFault in interface AxisCallback
        msgContext - the MessageContext containing the fault.