Interface MIMEAwareBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    MTOMBuilder, SOAPBuilder

    public interface MIMEAwareBuilder
    extends Builder
    Extension interface for Builder implementations that can build a message from a MIME multipart message. This interface should be implemented by message builders associated with MIME types that can appear as the root part of a multipart message. This is the case for SwA and MTOM.

    The processMIMEMessage(Attachments, String, MessageContext) method is called by MIMEBuilder (which is associated by default with the multipart/related MIME type) after identifying the target builder based on the content type of the root part.

    • Method Detail

      • processMIMEMessage

        OMElement processMIMEMessage​(Attachments attachments,
                                     String contentType,
                                     MessageContext messageContext)
                              throws AxisFault
        Process a MIME multipart message and initialize the message context.
        attachments - the MIME message
        contentType - the content type of the root part, as specified by the type parameter in the content type of the MIME message
        messageContext - the message context
        the SOAP infoset for the given message (which is typically a representation of the root part of the MIME message)