Class WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder

    • Field Detail

      • log

        protected static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
      • description

        protected org.apache.woden.wsdl20.Description description
      • interfaceName

        protected String interfaceName
    • Constructor Detail

      • WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder

        public WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder​(InputStream in,
                                          QName serviceName,
                                          String interfaceName)
      • WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder

        public WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder​(String wsdlUri,
                                          String name,
                                          String interfaceName)
                                   throws org.apache.woden.WSDLException
      • WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder

        public WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder​(String wsdlUri,
                                          String name,
                                          String interfaceName,
                                          boolean isAllPorts)
                                   throws org.apache.woden.WSDLException
      • WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder

        public WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder​(String wsdlUri,
                                          QName serviceName)
      • WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder

        public WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder​(String wsdlUri,
                                          AxisService service)
      • WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder

        public WSDL20ToAxisServiceBuilder​(org.apache.woden.wsdl20.Description descriptionComp,
                                          QName wsdlServiceName,
                                          String interfaceName)
    • Method Detail

      • isAllPorts

        public boolean isAllPorts()
      • setAllPorts

        public void setAllPorts​(boolean allPorts)
      • setCustomWSDLResolver

        public void setCustomWSDLResolver​(org.apache.woden.resolver.URIResolver customResolver)
        sets a custom WSDL locator
        customResolver - - A custom Resolver that can resolve imports and includes
      • setup

        protected void setup()
                      throws AxisFault,
        contains all code which gathers non-wsdlService specific information from the wsdl.

        After all the setup completes successfully, the setupComplete field is set so that any subsequent calls to setup() will result in a no-op. Note that subclass WSDL20ToAllAxisServicesBuilder will call populateService for each endpoint in the WSDL. Separating the non-wsdlService specific information here allows WSDL20ToAllAxisServicesBuilder to only do this work 1 time per WSDL, instead of for each endpoint on each wsdlService.

        AxisFault - - Thrown in case the necessary resources are not available in the WSDL
        org.apache.woden.WSDLException - - Thrown in case Woden throws an exception