Class ListenerManager

  • public class ListenerManager
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • shutdownHookThread

        protected org.apache.axis2.engine.ListenerManager.ListenerManagerShutdownThread shutdownHookThread
    • Constructor Detail

      • ListenerManager

        public ListenerManager()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public void init​(ConfigurationContext configCtx)
        Initializes the listener manager and the defined transports in the AxisConfiguration
        configCtx - used for the initialization
      • getConfigctx

        public ConfigurationContext getConfigctx()
        Returns the ConfigurationContext used for the initalization of the listener manager. It should be the current ConfigurationContext in use in most of the time.
        the ConfigurationContext used for the ListenerManager initialization
      • getEPRforService

        public EndpointReference getEPRforService​(String serviceName,
                                                  String opName,
                                                  String transportName)
                                           throws AxisFault
        To get an EPR for a given service
        serviceName - the name of the service
        opName - the operation name
        transportName - the name of the transport, or null.
      • start

        public void start()
        To start all the transports
      • stop

        public void stop()
                  throws AxisFault
        Stop all the transports and notify modules of shutdown.
      • addListener

        public void addListener​(TransportInDescription trsIn,
                                boolean started)
                         throws AxisFault
        Adds the listener described in the provided TransportInDescription. Further if the listener represented by the TransportInDescription has already been initialized and started the boolean started input parameter has to be provided as true.

        It is not possible to add a listener which is already initialized but not started to the listener manager, even though the above is a condition that has to be satisfied there is no means of enforcing that, because the TransportListener API doesn't provide a mechanism to test whether it is initialized or started.

        If the caller is using an already intialized listener, then it is the responsability of the caller to start the listener before adding it to the listener manager and pass the started parameter value as true.

        trsIn - Transport in description (which contains Transport Listener) to be added
        started - whether the transport Listener that is being added is already started or not
        AxisFault - will throw AxisFault if something goes wrong
      • isListenerRunning

        public boolean isListenerRunning​(String transportName)
      • isStopped

        public boolean isStopped()
      • isShutdownHookRequired

        public boolean isShutdownHookRequired()
      • setShutdownHookRequired

        public void setShutdownHookRequired​(boolean shutdownHookRequired)