Class AddressingConfigurator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class AddressingConfigurator
    extends Object
    implements ServerConfigurator
    This class will enable/disable WS-Addressing for a JAX-WS 2.1 web service endpoint, based on the configuration passed to it via an Addressing annotation and/or a SubmissionAddressing annotation from the endpoint implementation bean.
    See Also:
    Addressing, SubmissionAddressing
    • Constructor Detail

      • AddressingConfigurator

        public AddressingConfigurator()
    • Method Detail

      • mapResponseAttributeToAddressing

        public static String mapResponseAttributeToAddressing​(AddressingFeature.Responses responses)
        Given a value for the Addressing.responses annotation attribute, map it to the corresponding Addressing constant to be set on the AxisSservice
        responses - Enum value from the Addressing.responses annotation attribute
        String from AddressingContstants corresponding to the responses value.
      • supports

        public boolean supports​(String bindingId)
        Description copied from interface: ServerConfigurator
        Indicates whether the configurator supports the specified binding.
        Specified by:
        supports in interface ServerConfigurator
        bindingId - the binding id to test
        true if the configurator supports the binding id, false otherwise.