Apache Axis2 User's Guide - The Samples
The Apache Axis2 Standard Distribution provides a number of samples you can use as a guide for implementing specific features and capabilities. These services are listed in this section.
- Introducing Axis2
- Installing and testing client code
- Introduction to
- Creating
- Building
- Samples
- For Further Study
Clients (in AXIS2_HOME/samples/userguide/src/clients):
EchoBlockingClient.java: A basic example of the send/receive MEP.
EchoBlockingDualClient.java: Specifies that the return message should be sent over a different channel than the request message.
EchoBlockingWsaBasedClient.java: Provides an example of using the capabilities of WS-Addressing action mapping.
EchoNonBlockingClient.java: Demonstrates an asynchronous request using Callbacks.
EchoNonBlockingDualClient.java: Similar to the above, but uses a separate listener for the response.
ClientForWebServiceWithModule.java: Simply makes a call to a service with engaged modules.
ClientSideModuleEngagement.java: Demonstrates the use of modules on the client side, in addition to the server side.
MailClient.java: Demonstrates the use of the Robust In-Only MEP.
PingClient.java: A simple "fire and forget" client.
RESTClient.java: Demonstrates the ability to request a REST response rather than a SOAP response. Also demonstrates setting arbitrary properties on the Options object.
TCPClient.java: Provides an example of using the TCP transport rather than HTTP.
Services (in AXIS2_HOME/samples/userguide):
groovyService.aar: Demonstrates how to use Groovy classes in the processing of SOAP messages.
MyService.aar: Provides simple "echo" and "ping" operations.
MyServiceWithModule.aar: Same as above, but demonstrates how to engage a module.
WsaMappingService.aar: Demonstrates the mapping of WS-Addressing actions.
Sample WSDL files (in AXIS2_HOME/samples):
Axis2SampleDocLit.wsdl: Demonstrates the use of the Document/Literal WSDL pattern, rather than RPC.
perf.wsdl: Demonstrates the use of array values as input values.
Sample webapp that uses JSON, Spring Boot, Spring Security, and Moshi
A complete Axis2 webapp via Maven that demonstrates JSON and Moshi securely with Spring Boot is located in the "samples/userguide/src/springbootdemo" directory of Axis2 standard binary distribution.
Other samples
In AXIS2_HOME/samples Directory:
faulthandling: Demonstrates the use of SOAP faults and their definitions in WSDL enabling exception processing in the client.
googleSpellcheck: Demonstrates both synchronous and non-synchronous use of the Google Web Service in a GUI.
mtom: Demonstrates the use of MTOM and SOAP with Attachments to send binary files to a service.
saopwithattachments: Demonstrates the capabilities and power of SOAP with Attachment support and the Attachment API of Axis2.
pojo: Example of a POJO (Plain Old Java Object) Web service. It shows how to expose the methods of a Java class as a Web service using Apache Aixs2.
servicelifecycle: Demonstrates the usage of a service life cycle and a bit of session management. The main idea is to show where and how to use the service life cycle interface and session related methods.
databinding: Demonstrates how to use WSDL2Java generated code with Castor.
version: A very simple service that simply outputs the Apache Axis2 version.
yahoorestearch: A complete example of the use of a REST service rather than a SOAP service.
FlickrClient : Demonstrates code generation capabilities for WSDL 2.0. The FlickrService.wsdl describes services offered by flickr in terms of WSDL 2.0. It also demonstrates how a restful service can be described using the HTTPBinding of wsdl 2.0.
Extract the WSO2 WSAS for Java nightly build distribution and you will find the sample at WSAS_HOME/samples/FlickrClient or checkout sample from SVN: http://wso2.org/repos/wso2/trunk/wsas/java/modules/samples/FlickrClient
See Next Section - For Further Study