Apache Axis2 1.8.0 Release Note
The minimum required Java version for Axis2 has been changed to Java 8.
The Apache Commons HttpClient 3.x based HTTP transport has been removed.
The HTTPClient 4.x based transport has been upgraded to use the APIs supported by the latest HTTPClient version.
Because of the HTTPClient 4.x changes and also JAX-WS changes in the 1.7.x series, users are strongly encouraged to update their axis2.xml.
JSON support now includes Moshi as an alternative to GSON. The JSON documentation now includes a JSON and Spring Boot userguide with a WAR application demonstrating Spring Security with tokens. Many bug fixes in general. Any future growth of Axis2 depends on how well the community responds to the increasing focus on JSON.
Source control is now via Git and GitHub: https://github.com/apache/axis-axis2-java-core
Logging is now via Apache Log4j 2 instead of 1.x. A large focus this release has been on modernizing dependencies. Github Dependabot is handling this now automatically.
As explained in the Spring userguide, Spring inside the AAR is no longer supported. The rest of the Spring support is unchanged.
To improve dependency management, the data binding JARs have been split to separate the code required at build time from the code required at runtime:
has been split intoaxis2-jibx
has been split intoaxis2-xmlbeans
has been renamed toaxis2-jaxbri
(The JAXB-RI data binding doesn't require any additional classes at runtime).- There are no changes for ADB because the code was already split in previous Axis2 versions.
- [AXIS2-4021] - AbstractHTTPSender: changes to the isAllowRetry flag have no effect
- [AXIS2-4602] - JAX-WS MTOM issue
- [AXIS2-5052] - Unable to send compressed message!!
- [AXIS2-5301] - Axis2 MTOM client outof memory error when downloading file from service
- [AXIS2-5694] - axis2 reading DataHandler in client ws causing: DataHandler.getorg.apache.axiom.om.OMException: java.io.IOException: Attempted read on closed stream.
- [AXIS2-5748] - axis2-metadata: Compilation failure: unmappable character for encoding UTF-8
- [AXIS2-5761] - Request for removal of dependency of commons-httpclient 3.1 on Apache Axis2
- [AXIS2-5796] - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError AFTER successful build
- [AXIS2-5827] - axis2-wsdl2code-maven-plugin shouldn't use Log4j
- [AXIS2-5856] - Wrong null checker
- [AXIS2-5893] - test.wsdl not found in ServiceClientTest::testWSDLWithImportsFromZIP
- [AXIS2-5919] - WSDL2Java not working properly when using jaxbri and WSDL with faults
- [AXIS2-5952] - File.mkdir() may fail and cause crash.
- [AXIS2-5966] - Axis2 1.8.0-SNAPSHOT fix did not work for JDK 11
New Feature
- [AXIS2-5994] - Update woodstox-core-asl to woodstox-core
- [AXIS2-5661] - Axis2 1.6.2 @ Websphere 8.5 emits NumberFormatException intermittently.
- [AXIS2-5785] - Submit 'axis2-xsd2java-maven-plugin' for consideration
- [AXIS2-5884] - Change parameter "Description" to lower-case for service.xml.
- [AXIS2-5993] - Upgrade logging to log4j v2.x
- [AXIS2-5895] - JAXWSCodeGenerationEngine extension is incomplete