This document provides information on how to use Git to get a GitHub checkout/update, make commits to the repository, etc., in the process of contributing to Apache projects (specifically Axis2). Instructions on configuring IDEs for development and using Maven to build the project is also included here.
The Axis2 development team uses GitHub (Git) for source control.
To check out the latest version of Axis2 from the Foundation's GitHub repository, you must use the following URL:
Once you have successfully installed Git, you can check out Axis2 trunk by following these steps:
Axis2's build is based on Maven 3. Maven is a build system that allows for the reuse of common build projects across multiple projects. For information about obtaining, installing, and configuring Maven 3, please see the Maven project page. To use Maven to build the Axis2 project, Please install Maven2 and follow instructions here - Quick Guide to Maven for Axis 2.0.
The Axis2 development team uses a variety of development tools from vi to emacs to Eclipse to Intellij/IDEA. The following section is not an endorsement of a specific set of tools, it is simply meant as a pointer to ease the process of getting started with Axis2 development.
Type mvn idea:idea. Generates the necessary IDEA .ipr, .iml and .iws project files.
We recommend using maven-eclipse-plugin to import the Axis2 sources into Eclipse. This works best with the following combinations of versions and settings:
, aar
and mar
in the case of Axis2)
in multi-module builds. While this has no impact on the normal Maven
build, it prevents the Maven Eclipse plugin from identifying modules
with these packagings as Java projects. Therefore it is recommended
to use Maven 2.2.x or 3.0.x to execute the Maven Eclipse plugin.
phases, but fails to locate them if they
are generated during the generate-test-sources
phases. This is due to a limitation in Maven 2 (see
for more information). Executing the eclipse:eclipse
goal after
the process-test-resources
phase is also not enough because of
MDEP-259. The
best is to execute it after the install
phase. The skipTests
property can be used to skip the execution of the unit tests (maven.test.skip
is not appropriate here because it also skips some of the goals configured
in the generate-test-sources
and generate-test-resources
To summarize, use the following command to prepare the Axis2 sources for import into Eclipse:
mvn -DskipTests=true install eclipse:eclipse
As usual, before importing the projects into Eclipse, check that a Classpath Variable
for M2_REPO
is configured in Eclipse. Then select File > Import > Existing Projects
into Workspace > Select root directory. Selecting the root of
the Axis source discovers all the modules and allows them to be
imported as individual projects at once.