Axis comes with Ant tasks to automate aspects of the build process inside ant. To use these tasks, you need
To declare the tasks, set up a classpath to include the axis task JAR and all the dependent libraries. Including everything in the axis lib directory should suffice
<path id="axis.classpath"> <fileset dir="${axis.home}/build/lib"> <include name="**/*.jar" /> </fileset> </path>
Then use the <taskdef> declaration to declare all the tasks listed in a properties file inside the axis-ant.jar file:
<taskdef resource="" classpathref="axis.classpath" />
This uses the <axis-wsdl2java> task.
<axis-wsdl2java output="${generated.dir}" testcase="true" verbose="true" url="${local.wsdl}" > <mapping namespace="" package="interop" /> </axis-wsdl2java>
The mapping elements are used to list the mappings from XML namespaces to Java packages; you can include as many as you need.
This uses the <axis-java2wsdl> task.
This can be done with the <axis-admin> task.
<axis-admin port="${target.port}" hostname="${target.server}" failonerror="true" servletpath="${target.appname}/services/AdminService" debug="true" xmlfile="${endpoint-stub.wsdd}" />
Here the target.* properties are pulled from a properties file for the system being deployed to, so a single build file can deploy to different systems with ease.