Class EndpointReference

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Externalizable, Serializable, SafeSerializable

    public class EndpointReference
    extends Object
    implements Externalizable, SafeSerializable
    Class EndpointReference This class models the WS-A EndpointReferenceType. But this can be used without any WS-A handlers as well Since the models for this in Submission and Final versions are different, lets make this to comply with WS-A Final version. So any information found with WS-A submission will be "pumped" in to this model.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • EndpointReference

        public EndpointReference()
        No-Arg Constructor Required for Externalizable objects
      • EndpointReference

        public EndpointReference​(String address)
        address -
    • Method Detail

      • addAnonymousEquivalentURI

        public static void addAnonymousEquivalentURI​(String anonymousEquivalentURI)
        Adds a parameter to the list of anonymous equivalent URIs.
        anonymousEquivalentURI - any URI that has an address that begins with this value will be considered to be anonymous
      • addReferenceParameter

        public void addReferenceParameter​(OMElement omElement)
        omElement -
      • addReferenceParameter

        public void addReferenceParameter​(QName qname,
                                          String value)
        qname -
        value - - the text of the OMElement. Remember that this is a convenient method for the user, which has limited capability. If you want more power use @See EndpointReference#addReferenceParameter(OMElement)
      • getAllReferenceParameters

        public Map<QName,​OMElement> getAllReferenceParameters()
        This will return a Map of reference parameters with QName as the key and an OMElement as the value
        - map of the reference parameters, where the key is the QName of the reference parameter and the value is an OMElement
      • getAddress

        public String getAddress()
      • setAddress

        public void setAddress​(String address)
        address - - xs:anyURI
      • isWSAddressingAnonymous

        public boolean isWSAddressingAnonymous()
        This method identifies whether the address is a WS-Addressing spec defined anonymous URI.
        true if the address is a WS-Addressing spec defined anonymous URI.
        See Also:
      • hasAnonymousAddress

        public boolean hasAnonymousAddress()
        This method is used to identify when response messages should be sent using the back channel of a two-way transport.
        true if the address is a WS-Addressing spec defined anonymous URI, or starts with a string that is specified to be equivalent to an anonymous URI.
        See Also:
      • hasNoneAddress

        public boolean hasNoneAddress()
        true if the address is the 'None URI' from the final addressing spec.
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(String localName,
                                 OMNamespace ns,
                                 String value)
        localName -
        ns -
        value -
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(OMAttribute omAttribute)
        omAttribute -
      • setExtensibleElements

        public void setExtensibleElements​(ArrayList<OMElement> extensibleElements)
        extensibleElements -
      • addExtensibleElement

        public void addExtensibleElement​(OMElement extensibleElement)
      • addMetaData

        public void addMetaData​(OMNode metaData)
      • getName

        public String getName()
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        name -
      • setReferenceParameters

        public void setReferenceParameters​(Map<QName,​OMElement> referenceParameters)
        Set a Map with QName as the key and an OMElement as the value
        referenceParameters -
      • isEquivalent

        public boolean isEquivalent​(EndpointReference epr)
        Compares key parts of the state from the current instance of this class with the specified instance to see if they are equivalent.

        This differs from the java.lang.Object.equals() method in that the equals() method generally looks at both the object identity (location in memory) and the object state (data).

        epr - The object to compare with
        TRUE if this object is equivalent with the specified object that is, key fields match FALSE, otherwise
      • writeExternal

        public void writeExternal​(ObjectOutput o)
                           throws IOException
        Write the EPR to the specified OutputStream. Because of potential OMElements/Attributes, we need to actually serialize the OM structures (at least in some cases.)
        Specified by:
        writeExternal in interface Externalizable
      • getLogCorrelationIDString

        public String getLogCorrelationIDString()
        Get the ID associated with this object instance.
        A string that can be output to a log file as an identifier for this object instance. It is suitable for matching related log entries.