wsdl2java-maven-plugin uses the default mappings between XML types and Java classes determined by the configured typeMappingVersion. However, there may be situations where you might want to represent a given XML type using a Java type other than the one determined by the default mapping. E.g. you might want xs:base64Binary to be represented by java.activation.DataHandler instead of the default byte[]. This can be achieved using the javaXmlTypeMappings parameter as shown in the following sample:
<javaXmlTypeMappings> <javaXmlTypeMapping> <xmlType>{}base64Binary</xmlType> <javaType>javax.activation.DataHandler</javaType> </javaXmlTypeMapping> </javaXmlTypeMappings>
Note the unusual way to represent the QName of the XML type (which the plugin uses to work around a restriction in Maven).
This feature is similar to the java-xml-type-mapping element in the JAX-RPC mapping file defined by the Enterprise Web Services 1.1 specification.
In addition to specifying a javaXmlTypeMapping, you also need to make sure that a corresponding type mapping is registered at runtime. This is typically done by adding an appropriate typeMapping element in the relevant WSDD file.
By default stubs generated using wsdl2java don't support MTOM, although Axis has the necessary serializers/deserializers that recognize xop:Include elements and that use java.activation.DataHandler to represent the binary data in Java. To enable them, map the xs:base64Binary type to java.activation.DataHandler as shown above and set up a client-config.wsdd file with the following type mapping:
<typeMapping languageSpecificType="java:javax.activation.DataHandler" qname="xs:base64Binary" deserializer="org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.JAFDataHandlerDeserializerFactory" serializer="org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.JAFDataHandlerSerializerFactory" encodingStyle=""/>