Package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.server
Interface Summary Interface Description AsyncHandlerProxyFactory This interface defines the plug-point that is responsible for creating a proxy for anAsyncHandler
instance provided by a client application as part of an async request invocation.EndpointInvocationContext The EndpointInvocationContext is an extension of the base InvocationContext that provides extensions specific to the environment of the service endpoint.InvocationListener This interface will be implemented by those components wishing to be notified when requests are received on the server-side and when responses have been constructed on the server-side.InvocationListenerFactory This interface will be implemented by those wishing to create instances of an InvocationListener based on certain context information for a given request.ServiceInstanceFactory Code wishing to create web service implementation instances for JAX-WS requests must implement this interface and register it with the the JAX-WS FactoryRegistry. -
Class Summary Class Description AsyncHandlerProxyFactoryImpl This class is the default implementation of the AsyncHandlerProxyFactory plug-point which is supported by the JAX-WS runtime.EndpointCallback EndpointController The EndpointController is the server side equivalent to the InvocationController on the client side.EndpointInvocationContextImpl InvocationHelper This class represents static methods that are utilized during the course of invocation of a JAX-WS endpoint.InvocationListenerBean An instance of this class will be passed to the InvocationListener instances in both the request and response flow.JAXWSMessageReceiver The JAXWSMessageReceiver is the entry point, from the server's perspective, to the JAX-WS code.ServerConstants ServiceInstanceFactoryImpl This class will be responsible for creating an instance of a web service implementation class for each incoming request into the JAX-WS runtime. -
Enum Summary Enum Description InvocationListenerBean.State