DocLitBareMethodMarshaller |
DocLitBareMinimalMethodMarshaller |
The Doc/Lit Wrapped Minimal Marshaller is used when 1) The web service is Doc/Lit mininal, and 2)
JAXB artifacts are missing (i.e. we don't have ObjectFactories)
DocLitWrappedMethodMarshaller |
DocLitWrappedMinimalMethodMarshaller |
DocLitWrappedPlusMethodMarshaller |
The DocLitWrapped "plus" marshaller is used when the java method is doc/lit wrapped, but it does
not exactly comply with the doc/lit rules.
Element |
Characteristics of the "Element" value.
MethodMarshallerUtils |
Static Utilty Classes used by the MethodMarshaller implementations in the alt package.
PDElement |
A PDElement object holds a ParameterDescription
Element object.
RPCLitMethodMarshaller |
UnmarshalInfo |
Information saved from a prior unmarshal that is used
to speed up subsequent unmarshalling.
UnmarshalMessageContextListener |
This MessageContextListener is triggered when
a ServiceContext is attached to the MessageContext and
when a SOAPEnvelope is attached to the MessageContext.