BOMOutputStreamFilter |
Strip off the BOM when serializing an embedded JAXB object.
JAXBAttachmentMarshaller |
JAXBAttachmentUnmarshaller |
Implementation of the AttachmentUnmarshaller class that handles the attachments provided
by Axiom through the MimePartProvider interface.
JAXBAttachmentUnmarshallerMonitor |
The monitor is used by the tests to ensure
that the JAXBAttachmentUnmarshaller is used and is functioning correctly.
JAXBCustomBuilder |
JAXBCustomBuilder creates an OMSourcedElement backed by a JAXBDataSource
for the specified namespace and localPart.
JAXBCustomBuilderMonitor |
The monitor is used by the tests to ensure
that the JAXBCustomBuilder is used and is functioning correctly.
JAXBDataSource |
OMDataSource backed by a jaxb object
JAXBDSContext |
MessageContextAttachmentContext |
An implementation of the JAXB AttachmentMarshaller that is used to handle binary data from JAXB
and create populate the appropriate constructs on the MessageContext
XMLStreamWriterArrayFilter |
In some cases, we want to marshal an array of objects as a series
of elements instead of a single element containing items.
XMLStreamWriterFilterBase |
The base class for classes that are MTOMXMLStreamWriter filters.
XMLStreamWriterRemoveIllegalChars |
This is an MTOMXMLStreamWriter filter that removes illegal characters.
XSDListUtils |
Utilities to convert to/from xsd:list String to Object[]/List values.