Interface EndpointDescriptionWSDL

    • Field Detail


        static final String SOAP11_WSDL_BINDING
        Strings representing the SOAP Binding. These correspond to the namespace of the binding extensibility element under the WSDL binding. This could be SOAP or HTTP
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final QName SOAP_11_ADDRESS_ELEMENT
        QNames for the SOAP address extensiblity element under the WSDL Port element

        static final QName SOAP_12_ADDRESS_ELEMENT
    • Method Detail

      • getWSDLDefinition

        javax.wsdl.Definition getWSDLDefinition()
      • getWSDLService

        javax.wsdl.Service getWSDLService()
      • getWSDLPort

        javax.wsdl.Port getWSDLPort()
      • getWSDLBinding

        javax.wsdl.Binding getWSDLBinding()
      • getWSDLBindingType

        String getWSDLBindingType()
        Returns the namespace for the specific wsdl:binding extensibility element. Typically, this is the element that defines either a SOAP 1.1 or a SOAP 1.2 binding. IMPORTANT NOTE: The value returned is converted from the WSDL Binding type (which is the namespace on the assocaited binding extensibility element) to the corresponding value for the SOAPBinding annotation. For example, the following SOAP12 WSDL ... xmlns:soap12="" ... Would return the value which is ""
        String constants defined in
      • getWSDLSOAPAddress

        String getWSDLSOAPAddress()
      • isWSDLFullySpecified

        boolean isWSDLFullySpecified()
        Is the WSDL definition fully specified for the endpoint (WSDL 1.1 port) represented by this EndpointDescription. If the WSDL is Partial, that means the Endpoint could not be created with the infomation contained in the WSDL file, and annotations were used.
        true if the WSDL was fully specified; false if it was partial WSDL