Class Utils

  • public class Utils
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • Utils

        public Utils()
    • Method Detail

      • addHandler

        public static void addHandler​(Flow flow,
                                      Handler handler,
                                      String phaseName)
      • parseRequestURLForServiceAndOperation

        public static String[] parseRequestURLForServiceAndOperation​(String path,
                                                                     String servicePath)
        Break a full path into pieces
        an array where element [0] always contains the service, and element 1, if not null, contains the path after the first element. all ? parameters are discarded.
      • getServiceAndOperationPart

        public static String getServiceAndOperationPart​(String path,
                                                        String servicePath)
        Gives the service/operation part from the incoming EPR Ex: -> foo/bar/Version/getVersion
        path - - incoming EPR
        servicePath - - Ex: 'services'
        - service/operation part
      • getOperationName

        public static String getOperationName​(String path,
                                              String serviceName)
        Compute the operation path from request URI using the servince name. Service name can be a normal one or a hierarchical one. Ex: ../services/Echo/echoString -> echoString ../services/foo/1.0.0/Echo/echoString -> echoString ../services/Echo/ -> null
        path - - request URI
        serviceName - - service name
        - operation name if any, else null
      • getParameterValue

        public static String getParameterValue​(Parameter param)
      • getModuleName

        public static String getModuleName​(String moduleName,
                                           String moduleVersion)
      • isValidModuleName

        public static boolean isValidModuleName​(String moduleName)
      • checkVersion

        public static boolean checkVersion​(Version module1version,
                                           Version module2version)
                                    throws AxisFault
        - if he trying to engage the same module then method will returen false - else it will return true
      • calculateDefaultModuleVersion

        public static void calculateDefaultModuleVersion​(HashMap modules,
                                                         AxisConfiguration axisConfig)
      • getAxisSpecifMEPConstant

        public static int getAxisSpecifMEPConstant​(String messageExchangePattern)
        Maps the String URI of the Message exchange pattern to a integer. Further, in the first lookup, it will cache the looked up value so that the subsequent method calls are extremely efficient.
      • getInboundFaultFromMessageContext

        public static AxisFault getInboundFaultFromMessageContext​(MessageContext messageContext)
        Get an AxisFault object to represent the SOAPFault in the SOAPEnvelope attached to the provided MessageContext. This first check for an already extracted AxisFault and otherwise does a simple extract.

        MUST NOT be passed a MessageContext which does not contain a SOAPFault

        messageContext -
      • getObjectClassLoader

        public static ClassLoader getObjectClassLoader​(Object object)
        This method will provide the logic needed to retrieve an Object's classloader in a Java 2 Security compliant manner.
      • getMtomThreshold

        public static int getMtomThreshold​(MessageContext msgCtxt)
      • getIpAddress

        public static String getIpAddress()
                                   throws SocketException
        Returns the ip address to be used for the replyto epr CAUTION: This will go through all the available network interfaces and will try to return an ip address. First this will try to get the first IP which is not loopback address ( If none is found then this will return this will return This will not consider IPv6 addresses.

        TODO: - Improve this logic to genaralize it a bit more - Obtain the ip to be used here from the Call API

        Returns String.
      • getIpAddress

        public static String getIpAddress​(AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration)
                                   throws SocketException
        First check whether the hostname parameter is there in AxisConfiguration (axis2.xml) , if it is there then this will retun that as the host name , o.w will return the IP address.
      • getHostname

        public static String getHostname​(AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration)
        First check whether the hostname parameter is there in AxisConfiguration (axis2.xml) , if it is there then this will return that as the host name , o.w will return the IP address.
        axisConfiguration -
      • getURIScheme

        public static String getURIScheme​(String uri)
        Get the scheme part from a URI (or URL).
        uri - the URI
        the scheme of the URI
      • sanitizeWebOutput

        public static String sanitizeWebOutput​(String text)
      • createServiceObject

        public static Object createServiceObject​(AxisService service)
                                          throws AxisFault
        Create a service object for a given service. The method first looks for the Constants.SERVICE_OBJECT_SUPPLIER service parameter and if this parameter is present, it will use the specified class to create the service object. If the parameter is not present, it will create an instance of the class specified by the Constants.SERVICE_CLASS parameter.
        service - the service
        The service object or null if neither the Constants.SERVICE_OBJECT_SUPPLIER nor the Constants.SERVICE_CLASS parameter was found on the service, i.e. if the service doesn't specify how to create a service object. If the return value is non null, it will always be a newly created instance.
        AxisFault - if an error occurred while attempting to instantiate the service object
      • isClientThreadNonBlockingPropertySet

        public static boolean isClientThreadNonBlockingPropertySet​(MessageContext messageContext)
        this is to make is backward compatible. Get rid of this at the next major release.
        messageContext -
      • isHiddenService

        public static boolean isHiddenService​(AxisService axisService)
        This method is used to find whether an axis2service is declared as hidden using the "hiddenService" param
        axisService - - the service of interest
        true if is declared as hidden, false if not